chapter 6 - carnival

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Andrews POV

I was finishing up writing some arguments for the debate competition when I got a call from Aaron.

'Hey' I said receiving the call
'Hey man, listen, Rose invited me to this carnival, you wanna come?'
'What carnival?'
'Theres one that's happening tonight apparently, a lot of people are coming.'
'Yeah alright I'll come.'
'Sweet. It's at 7pm. Be ready.'

God I'll probably have to see Maeve there.

I finished up the arguments and got up to go downstairs where my parents were in the kitchen.

'Any plans today?' asked my dad
'Going to a carnival.' I replied
'Well that sounds fun.' said my mom smiling at me.

Yes mom, so fun that I'll have to see the person who made my life miserable smiling and happy with my friends.

'Yeah.' I said sounding bored
'When is it?' asked my dad
'It's 5pm now, you should probably start getting ready, honey.'
'Yeah I will.'

I grabbed an apple and ate it as I went upstairs. I wore a black sweater and dark brown khaki pants. I put my glasses on and went downstairs and sat on the couch.

The doorbell rang and it was Aaron.

'Hey man.' said Aaron greeting me
'You ready to go?'
'You know I really think that it'll work out between me and Rose. She seems to really like me and I really like her too.'
'Thats great for you. I'm driving.'
'Alright alright, you drive.' he said handing me the keys

We got into the car and drove for about 15 minutes

'Make a right turn here.' Aaron said
'Why, the carnival is not this way.'
'Yeah I know but we have to pick up Rose and Maeve.'
'Okay whatever.'
'Come on, are you mad?'
'Well kind of yeah'
'Look you gotta understand okay, I REALLY like this girl, please just do this for me.' Aaron pleaded
'Okay.' I said as I took a right turn

We arrived a huge white mansion which was apparently Maeve's house and Aaron called Rose to tell her that we're here.

Maeve's POV

Me and Rose were waiting in my living room when she got a call from Aaron saying they're here. I had asked Connor to join but he said he'd be busy with practice so he couldn't come with us. So we walked out of the house and saw a car outside of the main gate. We walked over to the car and I saw that Andrew was sitting in the driver's seat.

'Hey Aaron.' said Rose smiling at Aaron
'Hey Rosie.' said Aaron smiling back
'So he calls you Rosie now huh.' I said to Rose quietly nudging her arm

She just gave me a cheeky smile and we got in the back seat.

'Hey Aaron, what's up?' I said to Aaron
'Im alright, how're you?' he said smiling at me
'Im fine.' I said

Andrew didn't say a word and Rose and Aaron kept talking. I was just mind of listening to their conversation. I turned to look at Andrew and he was just paying attention to the road and didn't seem like he listened to what they were talking about.

After about 30 minutes, we reached the destination of the carnival and got out of car.

As we entered through the gate, a guy and a girl came running towards Andrew and Aaron. The girl had blonde hair and the guy had brown hair, he was shorter than Andrew and Aaron.

'Heyyy Andrew, where were you guys?' said the blonde girl
'Driving.' said Andrew smiling

I've never seen him smile ever.
Was she his girlfriend? I wondered.

'Well you guys are pretty late.' said the girl pushing Andrews arm
'Yeah there was traffic.' said Aaron
'This is Alicia and this is Derek guys.' said Aaron looking at me and Rose.

They smiled at us and we smiled back.
Aaron introduced us to them and we went inside.

'Do you reckon Alicia is Andrews girlfriend?' I said turning to Rose
'I doubt it. Aaron said he's pretty private.' replied Rose
'Doesn't rule out the possibility of him having a girlfriend.' I said
'True. Maybe she is. I don't know.'

It was dark at this time. Alicia, Derek, Aaron wanted to go to the ferris wheel and Rose went along with them. I said I'd stay back and I walked along the food stalls.

I looked around and saw Andrew standing Infront of one of the food stalls. I just kept on walking and stood beside him.

'What do you want?' He asked
'Is she your girlfriend?' I asked turning to him
'Why does it matter?'
'It doesn't, I'm just trying to start a conversation jeez.' I said in an annoyed tone.
'I don't really want to have a conversation with you and no, she is not my girlfriend.'
'You're so difficult to talk to, god.' I said
'Whats up your ass anyway, I mean just cause I said something mean to you a gazillion years ago, you're still mad about that?'
'Look, I tutored you cus you begged me to okay, thats about all the communication I'll have with you. Just leave me alone.'
'Great, I don't even want to talk to you. I'd rather talk to the kid who smells cheetos and talks to himself named Ronald or whatever.'
'His name is Rowan.' he said correcting me
'Tomato-Tomutoh.' I said
'This is exactly what I mean you know. You don't even care about anyone, you just care about yourself and your own benefit. People like you disgust me.' He stapped at me

I was a little taken aback.

'Whatever Andrew.' I said quietly

He didn't say anything more. I just left and went to find Rose. After a while I saw the three of them chatting and laughing Infront of a game stall.

I went up to Rose and nudged her arm.

'Hey, having a good time?' she asked looking at me
'Terrible.' I replied
'Cus of Andrew?' she asked
I sighed. 'Yeah, duh.'
'Heyy, Maeve why don't you come with me to the roller coasters?' said Alicia looking at me
'Not really a fan of them.' I said smiling
'Oh come on.' she said grabbing my arm and talking me with her
'Mind if I ask you something?' I asked her
'Absolutely not.' she replied smiling
'Why does Andrew hate me so much?'
'You really wanna know?'
'Well it's pretty much because your boyfriend, Connor, I believe his name is, was one of Andrews bullies back in freshmen and sophomore year. That kind of had a big effect on him and you were part of their clique. And once on a first day of school, he had to give a speech in the gymnasium and you made a joke about him and everyone laughed. He was pretty embarrassed about that. He kind of just grew to dislike everyone from your clique.'

I thought to myself for a while. Had I really been that awful and was Connor really such a bully?

'Im not like that anymore.' I said to her
'I believe so but he kind of held onto his grudge. I mean, you can't really blame him all that considering he was bullie by Connor and almost all his friends.'
'Yeah.' I said quietly
'But don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll come along soon.'
I smiled at her

I doubt he would.

We went to the roller coaster. It was pretty fun. Alicia was nice and so was Derek. We had quite a lot of fun while Andrew just kind of kept quiet most of the time and didn't do anything.

Time passed and it was about 11pm. We decided it was time to leave. So we went to the parking space and looked for our cars. We found our cars and waved goodbye to Alicia and Derek. Andrew was driving and dropped me off at my house.
Rose and Aaron said goodbye to me and Andrew just kept quiet, of course.

I went in and my parents were asleep. So I went upstairs, washed up and went to sleep.

Andrews POV

Maeve tried to talk to me but I just kind of brushed her off. Was I being harsh? Of course I wasn't, she and her friends bullied me. She shouldn't even try to talk to me in the first place.

At the end of the short conversation, she didn't seem like she wanted to be in my presence either so she left.

This is gonna be so hard. But I have to do this for Aaron's sake.

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