Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Lisa's pretty positive that she's never seen a scenery more beautiful than Gangnam-gu at night. It reminds her so much of New York – what with the colorful lights, the busy streets and the Han river close by.

She sights with adoration as she steps closer to the huge ass window of the hotel-room and leans her forehead against the cold glass – eyes still glued on the world a few floors below her.
It's crazy – come to think of it – that she's really back here again. In Korea. When she truly never had the intention of coming back again. Like ever.
But plans change sometimes and life has it's ways of surprising one. Be it for the better or the worse.

Lisa jumps a little when she feels two arms wrapping themselves around her abdomen and warmth pressing against her back shortly after, but she recovers quickly at the feeling of lips against the bare skin on her neck.

"Quite beautiful, isn't it?", Jennie asks after getting on her tiptoes to cast a glance over Lisa's shoulders.
Lisa grins as she shrugs and let's go a simple "Eh." which triggers Jennie to let out an offended gasp before moving her hands to tickle the younger girls' sides.

"Ouch.. stop that.", Lisa whines as she tries to wiggle herself out of Jennies' grip – but, much to Lisa's liking, the younger girl's much stronger than what she might look like.

"Not before you say it's pretty.", Jennie counters laughingly. "Say it's pretty. Say it."

Lisa giggles, before gathering her strength and twirling around so she's finally face to face with her girlfriend who looks momentarily terrified when she sees the mischievous look on her.

Before the smaller one can bail though, Lisa has already grabbed both of her hands, pulling her close in a motion that makes Jennie bang her forehead against Lisa's chest.
The Koreans protesting murmur isn't difficult to make out, but despite the soft (and kinda cute) swearing, Jennie stays and leans into Lisa's body even more.

They stay embraced like that for a few silent moments, until Lisa softly pushes at Jennie's shoulders and taps her chin in order to make the smaller girl look up at her.
Jennies' shy eyes almost make her forget what she wanted to say and kiss her on the spot. Almost.

"Can you repeat that?", she mumbles instead – the confused look on her girlfriends' face making her break out into a sincere smile.

"What?", Jennie asks bewildered, before realization hits her and she shakes her head meekly.
"I told you to say that it's pretty."

Lisa hums and nods, before her left hands find its way to cup Jennies' cheek.
She makes sure to stare into dark, feline eyes decisively before whispering: "It's very, very pretty indeed."

"You're such a sap.", Jennie smiles.

"You love it.", Lisa replies knowingly as she wiggles her eyebrows which makes the other girl laugh out loud.

"Yeah.", Jennie nods – running her hand through Lisas' hair lovingly, making her vis-à-vis close her eyes at the soft touch. "I do. And I'm so happy your sappy ass is here with me."

Lisa's eyes flutter open at the sudden change in tone – Jennie's voice revealing a hint of tension which she notices immediately.

She places a reassuring kiss on the smaller girls' lips before addressing it – almost melting at the sensation Jennies' touch sets off within her body.

"Everything is going to be okay, baby. You haven't come this far by accident. You're here right now because you're one strong ass woman. Always remember that."

Jennie blinks before taking in a deep breath – doubt still visible in her eyes.

"I know, it's just... I don't know. Being back here just triggers a lot of things I wasn't aware of back home. I just don't want to disappoint you if things don't go according to plan."

"Jennie...", Lisa sights – sneaking her arms around her girlfriends upper-body in a protective manner she can't seem to shake off whenever the other girl feels vulnerable.

"I told you before. There's no way that you could ever disappoint me like this. This is your life. Your story. You're entitled to go at your own speed and take the steps you want to. Nobody else has the right to tell you what to do and when and how. And if you're not ready for stuff then that's okay too. You are not accountable to anyone – especially not me. I'm just happy that I'm able to be part of your life – and that includes the good and the bad. I'll never think any less of you if we have to stop at a negative intersection on our way. God knows we will have to do that because of me too. But as long as I can be with you, everything's alright."

Lisa's always been good with words, but it's not often that they move other people to tears. So it always takes her by surprise when it happens – and quite often she doesn't know how to react.

Not with Jennie though. She somehow always knows the right thing to do when it comes to the petite Korean.
And right now Jennie needs to feel her. To have her as close as possible – a tight, bone-crushing hug which shows her that no matter what, Lisa will never voluntarily leave her side. Ever.

The warmth that is exchanged between their two bodies originates in their chests. Lisa feels it and knows that Jennie feels exactly the same when a quiet but very clear "I love you" comes from her lips.

'I love you too' is not pronounced out loud and yet screamed through ever fiber of Lisas' being with the way she holds her girlfriend as if the world would stop spinning if she'd ever let go.

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