...... I, I, Song Shirin, you brute! I hate you! I hate you to death! ...... Ahh!!hh Song Shirin stood at the door of the hall, with the steward standing beside him, and the two of them quietly listened to the cries of pain and the sound of sticks coming from the small black room behind them.

"Keep things clean."

"Mr. Song rest assured, we will never make any mistakes." The steward whispered.

Song Shirin lowered his eyes.

Two hours later, a garbage dump on a shopping street near the city center.

A beggar with twisted hands and feet curled up and slept on a broken mat, his mouth constantly moaning and crying out in pain, and he could not utter a complete sentence with a half-loud voice—and upon closer inspection, the beggar still had a puddle of blood on his chin, and his mouth was strangely sunken around it.^ for he could no longer speak, write, or walk. Therefore, they will rest assured that they will throw this person in the bustling urban area and leave him to fend for himself.

Not far away, a black stretch car stopped in place.

The driver said uneasily: "Mr. Song?"

Song Shirin glanced at the direction of the beggar and said lightly: "Drive, go back to the apartment." 

The driver hurriedly drove away from the crowded city center.

When Song Shirin went back, he happened to meet Secretary Chu coming back from school with a small watermelon, and he walked over, hugged the little watermelon, and said to Secretary Chu: "You go back."

Of course, it is good to be able to leave work early, and Secretary Chu left in a hurry.

When one big and one small walked into the house, the little watermelon sighed, poked Song Shirin's face, and whispered, "Uncle Song? "

Song Shirin's hand holding the little watermelon tightened, and he said for a while, "When will your father come back?"

"I don't know." The little watermelon struggled to get out of Song Shirin's arms, and then happily picked up the balls, smoothed the hair, and whispered, "Uncle Song, I want to eat sugar candy."

Hearing this, Song Shirin squatted down, looked at the little watermelon, and said, "You don't like sugar."

The little watermelon lowered his head embarrassedly, and gently pulled the hair of the egg: "Baba likes to eat."

Song Shirin reached out and touched the hair of the little watermelon, looking at the other party's face that was almost exactly the same as Bai Yu's, and couldn't help but feel love for this child in his heart: "Good boy."

According to time calculations, this child was conceived three years ago, when Bai Yu and himself slept for the last time before the Cold War.

Song Shirin's expression flashed with joy, and his love for the little watermelon became more and more uncontrollable.

This is, Bai Yu and his children...

Children belonging to both of them.

Little Watermelon looked at Song Shirin uneasily, he always felt that Uncle Song's eyes were strange today, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Coincidentally, Bai Yu pushed open the door and walked in, and saw Song Shirin in the house obviously stunned, and then walked over and said, "Why are you here?" 

As the New Year approaches, Song's work will be much more than before, and Bai Yu remembers that Song Shirin, as the executive president, is usually busy until the early hours of the morning before leaving work.

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