"I don't know." Little Watermelon was depressed, "Is Baba angry with me?"

Song Shirin: "No."

As they were talking, the two of them saw Mr. Zhang standing in front of the ward with his mobile phone with an angry face, "Before, we Bai Yu deliberately vacated the schedule for your show, but what about you!" Say change, change! What are we when Bai Yu? Comes and goes! Think beautifully! "

"Impossible! You go to someone else for the re-recording of the show! We absolutely disagree!"

The little watermelon looked at Song Shirin suspiciously, "Uncle? "

Song Shirin put the child on the ground with a cold face, watched him stumble towards the door of the ward, and then turned around and took the mobile phone in Mr. Zhang's hand.

Mr. Zhang looked inexplicable, and when he found out that it was Song Shirin who snatched his mobile phone, he swallowed all the angry scolding.

How could Song Shirin be here?

Bai Yu just came out of the toilet and saw the little watermelon running in alone, a touch of loss flashed in his heart, and said, "Why are you alone?"

The little watermelon hugged Bai Yu's thigh, rubbed it with happiness on his face, and said a few times before saying, "Uncle Song is outside."

Bai Yu sighed, ignoring the joy surging in his heart, and before he could ask a few more words, he saw Song Shirin and Mr. Zhang walk in one after another.

Mr. Zhang's face was full of joy, but he still cared about Song Shirin's presence, sat upright, and looked at Bai Yu with extremely gentle eyes.

Bai Yu ignored him, Mr. Zhang was somewhat snobbish in his bones, and it was expected that he would have such a posture after knowing his relationship with Song Shirin.

Song Shirin put the hot porridge side dish he was holding on the table and said, "When are you going to be discharged from the hospital?"

Mr. Zhang leaned over and interjected, "Mr. Song just did us a big favor, Bai Yu, you have to thank people."

"What's the busy?" Bai Yu was surprised.

Mr. Zhang smiled and said to himself, "I'll go out and answer the phone first, and you can talk."

After speaking, Mr. Zhang walked out with a smile and made up his mind to create a two-person world for these two people.

He forgot that there was a small watermelon in the house, so the two-person world was impossible after all.

Bai Yu looked at the back of Mr. Zhang leaving speechlessly, distraught, and looked at Song Shirin, "What did you do?"

Song Shirin: "It's nothing. During this time, you should have a good rest and take less variety shows. "

Bai Yu is clear.

An hour earlier, he had received a call from Mr. Zhang, who wanted to take on the offer to take on the "Destroy the Tornado" program again, but before they could take over the show again, they needed to make a show.

But Bai Yu was unwilling.

Not to mention that his current physical condition can't play any outdoor sports, just talk about the previous "Eliminate Tornado" program team temporarily replaced his behavior, Bai Yu can't go to that show.

Less exposure is less, and shame is greater.

One by one, he was disqualified as a guest by the program team because of Qi Yan, and it has long spread throughout the circle. Therefore, if he goes on to destroy the tornado now as if nothing happened, he will leave a handle in the circle in the future.

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