Breaking Step, Chapter 36

Comincia dall'inizio

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The door opened and closed, rousing Tibs. He turned on his side, putting his back to the intruder.

He wasn't on his bed.

He didn't want a private room in the inn. Where he should be was in a cell, if not dropped into the abyss and forgotten there.

"I'm not hungry," he replied to the smell of the broth. He curled in on himself tighter to silence his stomach. Going hungry was the least of the punishment he deserved.

He couldn't get rid of Jackal's image, pierced by the stone spires, or the satisfaction in succeeding to finally...

Tears fell.

He'd nearly killed the last member of his family, and he had rejoiced at his accomplishment. That hurt more than being soaked through with corruption; before he had the element.

What also hurt was the realization that he didn't think of the rest of his team as his family. He'd always imagined they were part of it just for being on his team.

Well, he didn't think of Don as family, so there was that. But Khumdar and Mez had been with him for long enough. They should be his family, too.

It hurt to realize that somehow Tibs had kept them from becoming so.

He wanted the pain to go away. He wanted to fill himself with ice, take the easy route to peace.

But ice was how he'd reached the point where killing Jackal was not only acceptable, but desirable.

It was painful to realize he couldn't trust the elements. He was supposed to have mastered them.

He deserved the pain.

The intruder pulled a chair close to the bed. It creaked as he sat in it.

Go away, Tibs willed. He didn't obey.

Why couldn't he let him wallow in his misery? Tibs had almost killed his man. He should hate him. Not sit there after bringing a bowl of broth.

Tibs had no idea how it was Jackal wasn't dead. As far as Tibs knew, he was the only one who couldn't be hurt by the elements he had. Something about his actual element. Was it something about Jackal suffusing himself with earth? Had that granted him the immunity?

Kroseph should accuse him, not sit there, waiting to ask how he was doing, trying to get him to eat something. Tringy to convince him he shouldn't be alone, that the other wanted him among them.

"Go away," He mumbled into the pillow.

Kroseph didn't say anything. He also didn't leave.

Why wasn't he abandoning him? Tibs ground his teeth. Didn't Kroseph understand that he didn't deserve the company?

He turned and glared at the server. "Get the fuck out."

Kroseph smiled and shook his head.

Tibs sat. "Do you have any fucking idea what I can do to you?" he snarled.

"Go ahead."

Tibs extended his sense as he narrowed his eyes. He expected Jackal by the door, ready to burst in and rescue his man, should—there was no one by the door. Sensing further, the fighter was downstairs, at their table with the rest of the team. How could they leave Kroseph in such danger? Hadn't Tibs demonstrated just how dangerous he could be? At least they should have Khumdar there, ready to weaken him if he tried anything.

As drained as Tibs still was, he wouldn't be able to resist him.

Why weren't any of them there to make sure Tibs didn't endanger anyone else?

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