Speak baby

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Vaggie paced the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel, cradling Y/N in her arms as his cries echoed through the grand space. Desperate to soothe him, she softly hummed a lullaby, her eyes searching for any distraction that might bring comfort to the restless infant.

Vaggie planted a gentle kiss on Y/N's tiny head, murmuring soothing words as she swayed rhythmically, her touch and whispered reassurances aimed at calming the distressed infant.

Frustration etched across her face, Vaggie glanced over a parenting book, muttering to herself, "Ugh! They say you'll know what to do by instinct. But my instincts don't work like that." She sighed.

Alastor sauntered into the lobby, his grin widening at the sight of Vaggie attempting to console Y/N. "Having a bit of trouble, are we?" he teased, twirling his cane with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Vaggie shot him a sharp look, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. "This is not the time, Alastor," she retorted, her grip on the parenting book tightening.

The radio demon chuckled, feigning innocence. "Oh, but darling, parenting is an art, and not everyone is an artist. Perhaps a dash of my charm could calm the little tyke."

Vaggie's patience wore thin, and she snapped, "I'm doing everything I can! Your 'charm' won't magically solve everything." Her protective instincts flared as she cradled Y/N closer, a fierce determination in her eye.

In an effort to lighten the mood and distract Y/N, Vaggie decided to try something different. With a sly grin, she gently tickled his tiny tummy, hoping to elicit a giggle or at least a momentary distraction from the fussiness.

Y/N, caught by surprise, let out a small giggle as Vaggie continued the playful tickling. Vaggie couldn't help but smile, grateful for the brief respite from the cries.

As Y/N's laughter filled the room, Alastor couldn't resist joining in. "Well, isn't that delightful?" he commented with a smirk, his tone surprisingly warm.

Y/N giggled again, seemingly responding to Alastor's remark. Vaggie shot him a puzzled look, to which he chuckled. "Ah, my dear, did you not know? I speak baby fluently." He winked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Vaggie raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "You speak baby? Seriously?"

Alastor nodded, leaning in as if sharing a secret. "Oh, absolutely. It's all in the inflection, my dear. Watch and learn." He then proceeded to make amusing sounds and gestures, causing Y/N to burst into another fit of adorable giggles. Vaggie couldn't help but be both amused and surprised at Alastor's unexpected talent.

With a theatrical flourish, Alastor leaned in and whispered to Vaggie, "You know, Y/N here has a special title for you. Calls you 'Other Mommy.' Quite endearing, I must say."

Vaggie blinked, a mix of surprise and warmth crossing her face. Before she could respond, Alastor continued, "And as for me, I've been bestowed with the grand title of 'Zemo: King of the red sea people.' Quite the imaginative little one, isn't he?"

Vaggie chuckled.

"And he prefers the title of Stormageddon." Alastor stated.

Vaggie couldn't help but laugh, the unexpected revelation bringing a sense of humor to the situation. As Y/N gurgled happily in her arms, Vaggie couldn't deny the charm of the peculiar names and titles.

Alastor chuckled, leaning in to share Y/N's apparent insights. "Ah, the little maestro has quite the way with names. Angel Dust is 'Not Mommy,' Lonna is 'doggie,' and as for everyone else, well, he refers to them as 'peasants.'"

Her little devil (Hazbin Hotel x Male baby reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant