36 - dear mom and dad

Start from the beginning

Has he been cheating on me with a mistress? Is this why he's been cold and distant? Questions run through Himari's mind.

"Who is this?" Himari looks into Tim's eyes and grabs Veronica's hand to guide her to his side. Himari feels the hurt as she watches Veronica kiss Tim, deeply pushing her tongue into his mouth and moaning. She wants to get a reaction out of Himari and take everything that she has by using Tim. Himari holds back her tears but in the back of her mind, she wonders if she has the right to be upset.

"I'm Veronica. His future wife." Veronica's snake-like personality shows through to Himari.

"Tim, what is going on?" Himari looks into his ghostly eyes.

"What's going on?" He repeats Himari's words with venom. "Why don't you tell me what's going on and how long you were going to hide things from me about Sera?"

All of a sudden, Himari is at a loss for words. This isn't how she intended him to find out. How did he find out? Did he hear her conversation with her best friend on the phone? If he did, he acted like he didn't hear anything, and he even surprised her with her favorite flowers.

"I was going to tell you and mom and dad, I promise." Himari cries out but Tim, manipulated by Veronica's words from earlier, doesn't want to listen to Himari.

"Five fucking years is a long time, Himari! She's turning six soon!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. You can cuss me out all you want. I deserve it," Himari's tears spill.

"You cheated on me and slept with another man when you had the chance!"

"Tim, you know that's not the whole truth."

"A slut like you deserves a punishment." Veronica sneers.

Himari quickly grows angry with the woman she just met. "And you think you're any better by taking another woman's husband?"

"We could've kept it a secret for another five years but a child is now involved." Veronica affectionately rubs her hand over her stomach and Himari's eyes widen at the news. Her mind goes to her Little Bara and their unborn baby. What kind of life would this be for her children with a broken family?

"Tim, I lo—"

"You don't love him. If you did, you wouldn't have hid your shame about not knowing who the father of your baby was by using Tim."

"Who the hell are you to put words into my mouth? You sound like a manipulative bitch!" Himari is tired of Veronica's snarky comments. This was supposed to be between her and her husband but things have become even messier.

Tim takes threatening steps up towards Himari's desk. The kind and loving husband that she once knew has vanished right before her eyes. "I don't want you or your daughter in my life!" Tim's anger erupts like a storm. A torrent of emotions drowned out everything he once believed about family and trust. Tendrils of betrayal and deception taint his once-vibrant heart. Veronica's cunning actions influenced his decisions as she exploited his vulnerability and emotions for her own goals.

"You don't mean that, Tim." Himari couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth.

"He does and he's starting a new life with me." Veronica steps in front of her desk next to Tim.

"Tim, please. I know I was wrong but Sera loves you. I love you." Himari emphasizes. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

"Don't believe her lies." Veronica reaches into her purse, grabbing the small blade. While Himari continues to try to reason with Tim, Veronica steps behind the desk with the pure intent to harm her.

Himari turns and raises her hand, while the other goes over her lower belly. Tim takes notice but doesn't stop Veronica and he watches with a cold heart. Himari's eyes widen in shock as Veronica plunges the blade deep into her gut, causing her to let out a whimper of pain. Veronica doesn't stop there; she pushes the blade as far as it will go while twisting it.

The sight becomes even more gruesome as Veronica rapidly withdraws the knife, only to plunge it into different spots. Over and over. Tim looks as if he's having an out-of-body experience, as the scene before him plays like a TV show. A thick, crimson stream of blood flows out and stains the floor, her clothes, and Veronica's hand. Himari falls back in her chair, still clutching her lower abdomen as tears continue to stain her face. Her last thoughts are of Seraphine, her parents, and the baby that will never get to breathe life.

Tim snaps out of his trance and urges Veronica that they should leave the house. The two rush out, making sure no one witnesses them leaving. With the last of her strength, she shuffles her feet on the rolling chair and tries to get to the letter. However, she succumbs to the wound and pain as she hunches over the desk. The last image is a picture of five-year-old Sera on her desk.

Her dull brown eyes slowly close, drifting into an eternal slumber as one last tear falls. She always wished things had turned out differently and wanted to make things right.

It was too late.

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