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heeseung, felix, seungmin, hyunjin and ni-ki stood in the hospital room

heeseung had his hand holding jake's hand as he waited for the boy to wake up

seungmin sighed at the sight, not wanting to watch and wait, or can't take this fault that came to him

"i'm going to grab some water. i'll be back." he whispered to hyunjin who nodded

seungmin exited the room, he walked over to keeho who sat on a chair, waiting with chan

"how is he?" keeho questioned

seungmin sighed, "the doctor said he'll live. but it might take a couple hours for him to wake up, he should recover in a month"

"wow. that's good!"

seungmin nodded, sitting down next to keeho

"how are you feeling by the way? does your neck hurt?" keeho questioned

"i'll be fine, don't worry." he smiled to him

"okay. i'm just worried ya know. this was very uh, confusing" he sighed

"yeah i know haha, but at least we're out?"

keeho laughed back, "yeah! i can't wait to get back to theo." he smiled softly

"yeah, sorry for holding you up here"

"no no! don't worry, i want to make sure jake is okay, he saved me after all, i owe that to you guys" he smiled

seungmin just softly smiled at him as he started to tear up

keeho looked at him worryingly, he slowly sighed, "do you want a hug?"

seungmin slowly nodded, falling into a hug with keeho

keeho held onto him, they both needed that hug. all the things they went through, a hug was definitely needed

chan smiled at the two, as he was on a call with jeongin and the others, they were all waiting in the other cars since all of them couldn't be in the hospital

though they did let heeseung and ni-ki in since they were the closest to jake

hyunjin came out of the room as well looking for where seungmin went

he walked over to see the two hugging

"min, are you okay?" he softly asked, walking closer

keeho let go of the hug looking over at hyunjin who approached them

seungmin, with teary eyes, looked up to where hyunjin stood

"minnie. what's wrong?" he said as he looked as tears slid down his face

"i'm really sorry hyunjin. i broke your promise—i-i i caused all of this!" he broke down again

hyunjin pulled him into his arms, shushing the boy quietly, while running his fingers down his back and in his hair to calm him down

"shh it's not your fault."

"your supposed to hate me. you hate me don't you" he said looking up at hyunjin in his eyes

"i don't hate you love."

"why. why don't you hate me? you have to hate me."

"i could never hate you. i love you too much." he said then kissed the boys forehead

seungmin just brought his hands to his eyes and fell into hyunjins chest, crying harder

"it's okay baby, your safe now. i've got you. no one can hurt you now"

my prince. my princess|| hyunmin Where stories live. Discover now