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"are you drunk?"

"no."  he shook his head back and forth

"jisung your drunk. let's just go home-" but he pulled away

"we can't go home now, the prince still needs to make his speech right?" he whined

"ugh. i couldn't give two fucks about what he has to say, but you should go home! how many drinks did you even have?"

"min~ i don't want to leaveeee!!" minho rolled his eyes

"your acting like a baby, well... you always do, but like- one with no brain cells" he laughed

"stopppp, let's go over there!" he said and quickly started taking off

"Jisung no! not over there." he sighed and chased after the boy

minho caught up and grabbed him forcing him to follow

"oowww!! that hurts min." he cried

"i don't care right now, your being reckless, we're going home." he stated and started looking around

"where's seungmin and innie? or changbin. how did we loose all of them?!" he sighed

"minnie said he was gonna stay with innie." jisung said

"eh well, i guess we'll tell them tomorrow that we went home early"

"hey! there's innie! he's talking to that big hot man over there" he pointed them out

minho looked over to who he was saying and started judging the situation

"cmon let's go tell him." he dragged jisung behind him to go talk to jeongin

"inniieeeee~" jisung sung

the two turned around and saw minho and jisung behind them

"oh hey! is something wrong?" jeongin asked the two

"Ji is drunk. so i'm taking him home, you good?" he eyed both of them

"uh yeah.. i think so? i've only had a few sips of my drink... if anything i'll find minnie and changbin."

minho looked around, "where is seungmin?"

jeongin then started to look around, "oh yeah, where is he? he said he would stick close to me..that's weird"

"hey! i know you!." jisung stated to the guy who was behind jeongin suddenly

"uh, what do you mean?" he laughed, confused on the situation

"ugh, jisung. be quiet will you? cmon we're going home. bye innie."

jeongin then looked back at them both waving goodbye

"they're  gonna miss the speech then?" the guy questioned

"oh, yeah... i guess they are, but it will be fine." he smiled

jeongin was still looking around the crowd for seungmin but no use

"you okay?" the guy asked which startled the younger

"ah- yes! sorry... just was looking for my friend haha." he scratched his neck


seungmin was really bored in this room all alone

"there's nothing to do in here." he pouted

"i'm just gonna go back to sleep then." he sighed and laid down on the bed to sleep

my prince. my princess|| hyunmin Where stories live. Discover now