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seungmin slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the lighting

"minnie! your awake." jisung said getting up from the seat and rushing over to the boy

seungmin was confused, he looked around, taking in his surroundings

"sungie?" he softly said in a confused tone

"yes it's me, everything is fine now!" he smiled

"w-what? what happened?" he sat up but then fell back down as his arm gave out, making him whine in pain

"don't do that! it will hurt" jisung flinched

"yeah no shit.... what the hell happened?!" he groaned at the pain in his arm now

minho spoke up, "uhm, do you remember anything from 2 days ago?"

"2 days?!...uhm i don't know." he then started to think

"okay well..it's a really long story actually but once i say it you might remember and we will get more information on why it happened?" jisung stated

then he explained why he was in the hospital

"oh..." seungmin said

"do you remember?"

"yeah." he breathed out

"really?! what do you remember?"

"this person. they broke into my house? they were wearing all black so i don't know who it was, they just started attacking me and then, used my knife against me and knocked me out" seungmin explained

"ohhh, that's really weird, i wonder if they took anything"

"hm.it seemed they were after me, not anything?" he said confused

"the person was trying to kill you, but only stabbed you once?" minho questioned

"i don't know...it looked like the panicked before they stabbed me and knocked me out."

"hmm.. interesting." minho hummed

"anyways, thank you both...i'm so sorry for worrying you guys."

"oh, don't worry, just glad your alive, i had to reassure jisung 50 times that you'd live" he laughed

jisung pouted, "i was really scared minnie."

"oh my god, you helped me while i was bleeding?! don't you hate blood"

jisung nodded, "only for a while...i couldn't really do anything helpful" he sighed

"thank you sungie. i appreciate that even though your scared of blood..you did that for me. gosh i love you" he fake cried

jisung laughed, "love you too. i'm so happy your okay." he smiled

seungmin smiled laughing back

"the doctors said your able to leave any time once you awake, by the way" minho added

"oh okay! OH MY GOD WHERE EUNNIE?!" he panicked

"oh, she's been coming to the hospital every chance she had, even stayed here over night once she heard you were taken to the hospital, to be honest, i didn't know what to do once i saw her like that" he frowned

seungmin sighed, "god i'm so so sorry. i hope she's okay"

"she looks really overworked, and hasn't been sleeping, i'm sure once she sees your okay everything will be better" he smiled

"i hope so. alright, let's leave this place, i hate hospitals.."

they all nodded and headed out

"eunnie? are you hommeee?" seungmin sang as he walked in

the barley awake girl at her computer came running to him once heard his voice

"min oh my god.!" she hugged him

seungmin smiled and hugged her back

"are you okay?!" she cupped his face

"yes, i'm alright, i promise." he smiled

she sighed, "you had me so worried. i was so scared"

seungmin pouted, "im so so sorry eun, i didn't mean to cause all of this"

"it's not your fault. i'm just glad your alright, i was so scared i even told mom!" she laughed

"you told mom?! what did she say?"

she didn't give 2 fucks

"she was so worried! but was very busy and couldn't visit in the hospital"

"ohh...gosh i caused all of this?!" he sighed

"mhmm, just glad your back and alive. yknow i came home to people cleaning my kitchen!"

"who told you what happened?"

"ehh, the people who were cleaning" she laughed

"i questioned why they were in my house and if it was you who put them here, well technically it was because of you... but they asked me if i lived here and told me what happened"

seungmin sighed again, "im really sorry. i don't know why that happened"

"it's alright bud. you don't have to live here if you don't feel safe you know.."

seungmin had a shocked face hearing that, "what?! i love living here!"

"yes i know, but maybe living with mom would be better?" she sighed

"no way. i'm staying here, i feel safe here, don't worry!"

"i knew you'd say that. so i took off work for 2 weeks to stay here with you"

"WHAT?! but, what are we going to do about.."

"don't worry, i've got that handled. i'm still going to be paid, i took an online job that pays me the same for the 2 weeks" she smiled

seungmin sighed, "but your working two jobs already."

"yeah, but this online one will cover us for the 2 weeks for now" she smiled reassuringly

"are you sure? i can always get another job too."

"no way. i don't need you worrying about money, please don't stress about it"

seungmin finally stopped pressing on the conversation

"are you hungry? i made some food" eun said walking over to the kitchen

seungmin was a bit hesitant walking over to the kitchen at first

"mhm...eun do you know where my phone is?"

"in your room i think?"

"k. i'll be right back"

she nodded and he headed to his room

i completely forgot

what is hyunjin going to think?!

                       my hyunjin<3
baby. we need to break up.

hmm? WHAT?!


hahahaha 😜🤞

my prince. my princess|| hyunmin Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora