
601 19 21

"sir, the party starts in 10 minutes, are you ready to attend?"

hyunjin rolled his eyes in annoyance, not at the boy but at the fact that there's a party

"so many people are going to attend today to hear your speech! i'm sure the king and queen are also eager to hear it as well."

"is this party even about my 'speech' ?"

the boy looked at him in the eyes

"uhm,yes sir? we sent out cards to every house telling them the theme and the reason of the party. that is because of you sir."

"felix...i already told you to stop calling me sir. it irritates me.."

"right! but king and queen Hwang don't like me calling you by your first name."

"do you see them anywhere? no. they can't fire you anyways. so it shouldn't even matter to them. their just worried about my 'reputation'. so not having any friends is such a reputation..."
he sighed and looked in the mirror fixing his hair

"Hyunjin. i think we are friends! we've known each other since kids so that qualifies right?" he smiled and hyunjin looked at him back smiling

"can you do me a favor tonight at the party?" he turned to felix and got his full attention

"sure! what would you like me to do?"

"oh gosh. there's too many people here... where's Ji?!" seungmin was frustrated, his suit almost didn't fit him properly because of the theme and the wifi wasn't as good to get a call or text from han.

seungmin tried looking around in the crowed for his friend but couldn't find him anywhere

but soon he spotted a familiar head

"Innie!!" he yelled to get his attention and it worked, jeongin turned around and smiled

"minnie! hey!" he ran and hugged him

"it's been so long, i can't believe i found you in this crowd!"

"yeah! wanna go talk over there at that table?" he pointed at a table no one was sitting at and he nodded and followed behind to the table

"how have you been? how's work?" seungmin asked as they were both now sat down.

"i've been good. work is alright, could be better though... how about you?" he smiled

"i've been good! just bored out of my mind." he sighed

"yeah, same.." he laughed

"hey, did you hear. the prince is supposed to be making a speech tonight. what do you think it's about? he finally found a princess to marry?" he joked

seungmin thought for a second, he didn't really care about the king,queen or the prince so he didn't even know he wasn't married

"the prince isn't married?" he questioned

"yeah? i've already told you this... he was supposed to marry that one girl from twice town but they didn't, i heard it was because she was lesbian"

seungmin looked at him surprised

"how old is he then? aren't princes supposed to get married before 19?"

"yeah, pretty sure he's 20, which is why it's such a big thing right now. he's apparently seen every kingdoms princess around, they all just like him for his looks ay?"  jeongin was explain this to his confused friend

my prince. my princess|| hyunmin Where stories live. Discover now