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"where were you?!" his sister came in bursting in the room

"aah- your so loudddd..."

Eun walked more into the room

"seungmin. why were you not home last night? the party ended at 10 i heard." she was being really strict

seungmin sat up on his bed, looking at his now mad sister

"i just stayed the night at innies house.." he lied

she crossed her arms

"no you didn't! i called you so many times, then i called jisung, he didn't answer. then i called jeongin, thank god he answered! he said he didn't know where you were!! so i told him to give me minhos phone number.. i called minho, he didn't know where you were either." she ranted

seungmin looked down at the floor not wanting to respond

"do you not know how i was worried sick about you?! i thought you got kidnapped or killed!" she scolded the boy even more

seungmin still didn't reply, almost looking like he was about to cry

"so, where.the.fuck.we're.you?"

seungmin took a deep breath

"Eunnie- i.. im sorry for lying." he started to slowly cry

he didn't like when he made his older sister worry about him. he also didn't like when he made her upset

which then makes him upset that he caused it

Eun then went over to hug the boy

she patted him on the head, "it's okay. i was just so scared. you don't understand."

seungmin did understand, he made her worry for no reason. it was his fault

she took a deep breath ready to talk again, "are you gonna tell me where you were or is where you were safe?"

seungmin stepped back, taking in

"i was safe." he replied

she nodded her head, not really liking the answer

"alright...i trust you, you hear? i don't want anything bad happening to you. so if it is something serious, tell me. but if you say it's safe, then i have your word."

"it is safe, i promise...."

she sighed, "but how come no-one knew where you were? do they even know if your safe?"

"i'm sorry, my phone died and i couldn't tell anyone. i was going to message you but it died before i could, and everyone got drunk so they went home early.." obviously he was lying but he had to make something believable

"okay. as long as you were safe and not hurt. i trust you." she hugged him one last time

"don't ever make me so worried again or i won't let you go to parties." she demanded

"heyyy.. mom let me go this time!"

"oh really?" eun and her mom do not talk, in fact they all live in a separate house. seungmin just switches between houses ever so often, he usually likes staying with eun though

"yes! she let me and sungie go~" he said proudly

"wow i'm surprised...!"

she knows their mom does not like them, well.. only eun knows that. seungmin still thinks his mom likes him. but in reality she is just using them both, Eun realized this when she was 10 years old. which is why they parted ways. She waited until she was old enough. although, she never had the heart to tell seungmin, only because he needs a parent, and he loves her a lot. she doesn't want him getting hurt, so she and her mom kept it a secret. She lied to seungmin saying that; "it will be better if we have two houses! and plus i'm too old to be living with mom" they claimed, which seungmin believed.

my prince. my princess|| hyunmin Where stories live. Discover now