His fingers give me the best scalp massage known to man and I can't help but say, "Woah, your fingers are amazing." I giggle into the steaming air surrounding us, unaware of how dirty that sounds. His fingers keep working as a chuckle rolls out from behind me. "Heard that before." he says, interpreting what I said in the wrong way. 

I scoff, shaking my head over how he responded not wanting to know what other girls have said to him. "From you babe." He clarifies, making those butterflies in my stomach go crazy, but I push it down so I don't feel sick again. "Oh," is all I can conjure up unless I want to say something that'll make me sound like a flustered and stuttering mess. 

Recently, he's been making me nervous to the point where I blush like crazy and stumble over my words. I don't normally do that, usually I can fake it until I make it but I don't even want to keep pushing that facade. I want him to know the real me if he still has a crush on me.  

He moves our bodies closer to the water to rinse out all the suds from the shampoo before moving on to squeezing the conditioner into the palm of his hand.  He applies it to the ends of my hair, grabbing a comb I left in the shower to brush out the tangles in my hair. "Sorry, I don't know why my hair gets so tangled." I say, letting him detangle my hair. 

"It's alright," he kisses my shoulder as my wet hair lays flat along my back. Once my hair is taken care of he gently washes my body, letting all the sweat and smell of alcohol go down the drain. From behind me, Jack runs his hands up and down my stomach, swaying me from side to side. "Do you want me to wash your makeup off too?" he asks, but immediately something in my head switches and reminds me that he's only ever seen me with makeup and I'm not ready for that to change yet. 

I shake my head, turn off the water, and wrap the first towel I see around me. "Nope, I got it." I say, grabbing a towel for him and tossing it at him. He wraps the towel around his waist, highlighting his v-line. Since the first time I saw Jack I've noticed how built he was, and since seeing him without clothes on I've seen how well-defined his body is. He's not scarily big and not too small. He's just right. 

When I lock eyes with Jack he wears a mind-fucking smirk that makes everything in my body scream for him. I look away from him, feeling my face heat up after getting caught staring at him. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth to distract myself but Jack has zero intentions to let this go. 

His arms wrap around my waist, pulling my begging body against his hair chest. He maintains eye contact with me in the mirror as he pushes my wet hair off my shoulder and uses his fingers to tilt my head away from him, granting him access to my neck. He lowers his mouth to me, using a hypnotic pattern with his tongue on my neck making me feel like putty in his hands. 

I feel powerless like this, melting in his hold, letting him slip through my cracks as my toothpaste-filled mouth opens ever so slightly. I sigh as he presses open-mouthed kisses up and down my neck. This continues until I feel my core beginning to ache for him, wanting nothing more than for him to take me right here right now. 

With my toothbrush stuck in my mouth, I look up at him through the mirror with hopeless and pleading eyes as he presses the final pecks to my shoulder. I'm at a loss here, the battle my mind is fighting right now is one I'm okay with losing because even if I lose, I still win. "Don't look at me like that baby," He smirks pressing a kiss to my cheeks, before using his finger to close my mouth to keep the toothpaste from falling out. 

He walks out of the bathroom, giving me an excellent view of his back dimples. I focus on brushing my teeth, furrowing my brows while I spit the paste out and rinse with some cold water. I feel much better than I did the morning, but now all I can truly think about is how I can satisfy the aching feeling in between my legs. 

glitch | jack hughes (rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ