chap 19

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“What made you want to be a tattoo artist?” Y/n says,
forking some potatoes and arching her eyebrow at me.
It’s been difficult to focus ever since we sat down, ever since she showed me a glimpse of her chest in that billowing shirt.

Her jeans are tight, too, most likely a result of Olga having to guess her size. It makes the carnal fury constantly simmering inside me difficult to contain and tame. And yet it’s worth it to get closer to her, see her smile, and hear her laugh.

“What?” she says. “Is my question too complicated?”

I smirk. “No, I was just thinking…sitting here with you, it’s like there’s not even a war happening.”

She flushes, her lips twitching upward in the cutest way.
“Are you dodging the question?”

I chuckle as I cut into my steak.

“Because it’s not usual for an Korean  Mafiosi to have tattoos or be involved in tattoos in any way?”

“No, it’s not,” I say. “My mom was a tattoo artist. Not many people know this because she never had a chance to pursue it properly….”  I clear my throat, pushing away the pain.

“I’m sorry,” Y/n says softly. “I didn’t mean to bring up family stuff.”

“Oh,” I say quickly. “Speaking of family stuff, your aunt is alive and well. She’s staying at your house – no, not your house. You’re never going back there.” I caution myself to slow down, not to give too much away. I don’t want to rush her into something that may make her feel uncomfortable. “Anyway,” I go on, “I just realized I hadn’t said.”

Her cheeks glow in the fluttering candlelight. “Does it make me bad that I didn’t even think of that?”

“Not at all,” I say passionately. “That woman made your life miserable. You don’t owe her any sadness. Or pain. Or anything.”

She sighs, nodding. “You have no idea how good it is to hear that. She used to play the aunt card all the time.”

“She was going to sell you, Y/n,” I snarl, the thought making me want to crush something.

“So your mom was a tattoo artist?” she says quickly,
changing the subject.

I sense the sadness in my woman’s voice, the conflicted agony. It must’ve been so confusing for her to have thisperson, this family member who was supposed to support her…but all she did was use her.

“Yes,” I reply. “She never worked publicly. She was too embarrassed by her work. But she had a private studio at the rear of our property, and people would come. They’d come to get tattooed or marvel at her work. She was an incredible illustrator, so accurate with a pencil, but with freedom in each stroke.”

Y/n gazes at me, her eyes alert. “That’s so awesome.”

I nod. “She had excellent use of color, whether with paint or the tattoo gun. She wasn’t an old woman when…when they killed her. She could’ve overcome her shyness and made a name for herself.”

“Did she teach you?” Y/n asks softly.

Wordlessly, she reaches across the table, taking my hand in hers. I return the pressure, holding on tightly. “Yeah.” I can’t help but smile at the memory. “My dad wasn’t a fan. He said I’d be too busy ruling our family to become a tattoo artist. He was right, too, just not in the way he meant. But I kept practicing. I kept drawing and painting. I love art, Y/n. And as crazy as it might sound, you’re the first person I’ve ever spoken to about this.”

Her hand gets tighter. I can feel the affection blazing through her. “That doesn’t sound crazy,” she murmurs. “I get it. Your men might not understand.”

“Plus, I never found a subject as beautiful as you,” I say.

She laughs, letting my hand go and waving hers. “Come on. You must have women throwing themselves at you all the time.”

“In the early days, I did,” I tell her. “Before I let it be known, I wasn’t interested.”

“But you are now…interested, I mean?”

I lean back in my chair as though the question is a physical strike. There’s no way for me to explain just how interested I am without venturing into dangerous territory, without letting it all come thundering out of me.

I’ll tell her about the house we’re going to own, the children we’re going to have, how bright our life will be after all the darkness.

But if she wants to be as free as the bird on her ankle,
surely I can’t cage her. I can’t block her .

What if she doesn’t want any of that?

“I’m interested,” I say, voice gruff and intense. “I’m the most interested I’ve ever been. What about you?”

Her smile twitches and her eyes gleam with something unspoken. I’m almost sure of it. “Uh, duh.” She giggles in the most adorable way. “Yeah, jungkook, I’m interested."

I raise my glass, and she does the same.

“Here we go, then,” I say. “To being interested.” She laughs, and we clink glasses, and then we share a moment, our eyes locked, our devotion whelming. I can feel the electricity between us.

“You said you were a trained portrait artist,” I say after a minute or so of eating. “Or was this all part of your fake persona?”

“No, that part was true,” she says. “It was when I was a little kid. My dad had this portrait done, super professional, and I just couldn’t believe it wasn’t a photo. It became a running joke, but then it wasn’t a joke anymore. I begged dad to let me learn how. And he did because he really was a supportive, good man. He was a…he didn’t deserve what happened….” She trails off, choking back a sob.. “I’m sorry,” she says, pawing at her face.

“You don’t have to apologize,” I tell her. “You never have to apologize to me, Y/n.”

“From around the age of five to thirteen, that was all I did,
learn how to paint portraits. And then I started to experiment. When mom and dad – when jackson…when all that happened, I focused on abstract stuff. I don’t know. Maybe it was like my emotions were on the paper or something. Does that make any sense?”

“Yes,” I snarl. “I tattooed my feelings into you, so it makes sense to me.” She flinches, looking at me with so much emotion on her face, that I could tell her I love her right here. I caution myself to slow down, telling myself I can’t reveal it all yet.

I have to wait until after the war. I have to wait until there’s time to process it all.

But even that could be too much for her. Even that could make her want to run as far away and as fast as she could go.

“What do you mean?” she whispers. “I thought you just wanted me to be free. Is that it?”

I clench my jaw, trying with everything I have to hold in the raging inferno within, barely contained behind the pounding of my heart. Everything I feel for this woman tries to burst free, all the affection, dedication, and protective impulses. “No,” I say. “It’s not just that.”

She leans forward, her mouth dropping open. Even Doggo rises from his place in the corner of the room, uncurling his body and padding over like he can sense something important is happening.

“It’s you, Y/n. It’s everything about you –.”

A pounding on the door cuts off my words.

Not now. Why did it have to be now?

“Boss.” It’s kai’s voice, one of my top men.  “It’s Taehyung . The chinese… they’ve got your cousin.”

So it’s starting.


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