🩸Unique Abilities (pt.61)🩸

Start from the beginning

Theodore shrieked. "That's literally evil of you!"
"It is so not! I found him first!" Melanie yelled.

Cleo just looked stunned. "Why are you asking for my help with random high school men?"

"Mom said you were my only hope."

Cleo turned to look at me and gave me the why-the-fuck-did-you-put-me-in-this-situation look, which was a look we used as parents a lot.

"Okay- I didn't say it like that." I muttered.

"Well you know how to flirt with people," Melanie told her.

"I'm concerned as to how you know that, but I won't question a thing," she hummed sweetly, lightly blowing on her nails.

"Well...what's going on with you, kiddo?" She turned her head to look at Theo, who was in distress in the kitchen.

"She wants to hook up with the guy I like!"
"Not a hookup! Seriously! I bet your brother never liked the guy you liked, Mama!" Melanie rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

During all of this, I had to stifle a laugh.

"Don't be- don't be a swine!" he cried.

Cleo rubbed her temples and sighed. "Okay, Satan's mother, both of you, calm down."

Melanie huffed.

"And for the record, my brother had a crush on me. So don't even talk about that."

"Wh-WHAT?!" Melanie cried, sitting up.

"Exactly. Now be lucky. And I can't help you with this battle."
"B-but-" Theo's voice wavered.

"First of all," she held up one finger, "I know nothing about flirting with men."
She put another finger up. "Second, you have to both let this man go."

"LET HIM GO!?" Melanie screeched.
"Sorry, lovely," I said gently.

"You're not in on this, too! Don't betray me like that!" She looked at me in panic.

I gave her a reassuring smile, "There's more out there."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She slouched into the couch.

"What you're not going to do is end up dating him and leave your brother upset, or... vice versa," Cleo said.

"Whatever- but he's fine as hell. I'll never find another one like that."
"I'm sure you will," I responded softly.

"You've never even talked to him," Theo muttered. But he sounded less playful, more annoyed now.

I had a gut feeling this conversation wasn't going to end well.

"He's my partner in Geometry."

Theodore was in a higher math class than the rest of his grade, but apparently, the boy they both liked was still younger than Melanie.

"I did not have a single clue any of this was going on," Cleo whispered to me.

I let out a small scoff in agreement.

"You're not like- in love," he told her.

Cleo now had the please-don't-make-me-say-it look. Which was also a common one.
I squeezed her hand, I knew exactly what she didn't want to have to say.

"Well, I can date who I want to."

"No, I think that's the problem," Cleo intervened. "If you keep this up he's just going to have to be off-limits to both of you."

She said it.

The look on both of their faces was horror.

What else were we supposed to do?

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