Helmridge | Chapter 1

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Russia's Pov:

The sound of hooves trotting in a rhythmic fashion. The rumbling of the wheels of the caravan following a bit behind.

I gaze at the forest as we ride down the path. I adventally pull my gaze away from the lines of trees.

"How long until we arrive at the next town? Helmridge if I am not mistaken?" I ask one of the guards, not turning to face them just keeping my head facing the road.

"You are correct my lord, we will be arriving shortly." My personal guard responded almost immediately. A bit of time passes as they keep riding at a steady pace.

"My lord, I think you should go back inside the caravan.." The same guard says turning to face me.

"And why is that? Is there trouble?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, glancing at the guard. The guard quickly responds waving a hand usheredly.

"No, no there has been no trouble spotted my lord!- but.. we can never be too careful though.." The guard pauses then continues "We do not know what type of environment we are walking into so that's why you should go back to the caravan." Then the guard quickly adds, coughing slightly in his hand. "No offense, my lord-".

"None taken." I say dismissively. "I'll stay out a bit more then head inside as the town comes into view.. Also please stop with all the formalities." I state, making my horse go into a steady trot.

I stare ahead blankly, my mind wandering somewhere else as I stare at the sky as the sun was starting to set...


The guard from earlier clears their throat. "We are nearing the town my lord. It is just over this ridge."

I sigh, pulling to a halt, dismounting from my horse. After I dismount, I scratch the soft spot under the white stallion's chin, holding the reins in my other hand. The stallion's ears bend back slightly pleased. I pull away, handing the reins to the guard.

The stallion snorts displeased. I give the stalin one more scratch before I head into the caravan.

Once inside, I sit at a small table that was bolted next to a window. I take off my ushanka holding it in my hands while leaning on the table.

The main part of the hat was a brown color, and the fluffy/soft bits of the hat were a gray. The hat also had a red star on the front of it. I stare at it for a bit before looking back outside.


After a bit of riding I could see the Helmridge coming into view.

Helmridge was a bustling town. It's on one of the main roads that connect many different cities and towns together. It wasn't a city just yet but it probably soon will be with all of its growth in such a short period of time.

The caravan pauses at the edge of the town as the guard from earlier pays the entry fee. The guard talks to the town guard/gate keeper for a moment seemingly asking for directions, the town guard points to the west. The guard thanks him, then shouts to the other guards telling them to head west I guessed, like how the town guard described. The caravan starts to move again.

The guard from before continued to talk to the town guard after they got the caravan moving again. After a bit the guard seemed to be saying goodbye. The guard put their horse into a trot heading towards the front of the caravan.

The caravan heads through a long wide street. I look around seeing a few shops, people walking around, houses, etc. Most buildings are two stories tall but some here and there are one. There are multiple alleyways scattered around between buildings.

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