"Well, that this is our restaurant!" Bora pulled me by my arm to a table.

I looked around...there were no customers except me... .

...and my fate took its course...

"Are you here for my brother?" Bora looked at me. Leaning her head on her hands, she smiled.

"Um...I...!" my gaze went to Jungkook, who wasn't paying any attention to me.

"Bora!" he called after her without turning to us. "Give our customers the menu!"

Bora nodded and stood up.

"Bora, no...I think I'd better go!" I said and stood up as well.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Silly me. I'm imagining things that aren't happening at all.

Maybe he wasn't staring at me at the meeting. It was Bora! Of course, she's his sister and I'm a stranger.

"Oh please stay Y/n!" she pouted. "My mother will be back in five minutes, she cooks fabulous food. Please!"

If I leave now, I'm sure to run into Junseo, if I stay, Jungkook might catch me with my feelings for him....

"I don't know...!" I overwhelmed myself.

Bora pushed me back into the seat and grinned." My brother serves. " she reached behind me and pulled out the menu and held it out to me.

I looked at jungkook, who was now leaning against one of the tables, arms folded in front of him, watching us.

He looked so handsome... as he stood there....I cleared my throat and picked up the menu.

"Sannakji," Jungkook said and came over to us.

I lifted my head from the menu..." What?"

"Have you ever tried sannakji?" he pulled the chair out a little and sat down next to me.

"You know what sannakji is, don't you?" he grinned a bit.

"I ..know what it is!" I replied and my heart was beating the same way last night at the event..boom..boom..boom..boom.

"So, have you ever tried it?" Jungkook leaned over to me and raised his eyebrows.

I swallowed...because I really had never eaten sannakji before and honestly, I wanted to keep it that way.

"And did you?" he asked me again.

I shook my head "No!"

"Jeon Bora! Sannakji for Kim Y/n!" he looked at me..." I bet you don't dare."

He smiled...not that oh I'm happy smile...no...rather that you're trapped smile sweetheart....

"Don't worry Y/n ...they're dead ...it's just the nerves that are twitching." Jungkook leaned back in amusement and only the thought of Sannakji made me shudder.

"I...don't really like Sannakji!" I answered him...

"You dare to jump into an ice-cold pool even though you can't swim, but you can't get dead octopus down?"

There it was...the memory of everything that had been on my shoulders for the last 22 years.

I sighed and stood up...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...!" I said almost in a whisper and lowered my head....

"I'm sorry Jungkook that I put you in an embarrassing situation yesterday. " I said and went to the exit....

"Y/n!" he called after me and managed to hold me back.

"I'm sorry! Okay!" suddenly there was that soft calm voice again from yesterday.

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