Chapter 2 - The Prophecy, the Demigods, and the Sorting Hat (Multiple POVs)

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(Minerva's POV)

"The necromancer takes the lead,

The owl is sacred, it must not bleed,

Poseidon spawn, and his friend, the Lord,

With the boy-who-lived, and his golden squad,

Through darkness deep, and darkness vast,

Must face the darkness lost to the past,

Vanquish this darkness, that they must,

Or else their worlds return to dust."

The silence was suffocating.

Minerva observed the haggard faces of the trio seated in front of her. Tired and pale. Almost lifeless. These children had been through things most adults would not even hear of in their entire lifetime.

They had seen evil. They had fought evil. They had defeated evil.

They were exhausted.

Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Hermione Granger, the brain of the trio. Ron Weasley, the heart of the trio. Together, the golden squad had bested the most evil wizard in the history of the Wizarding World.

Minerva remembered their innocent 11-year-old faces from 7 years ago. It had only been 7 years, but to them, it had been almost half their life. Their innocence was long gone; drained by loss, replaced by pain that was so senselessly dished out to them.

"Professor," Miss Granger began, but stopped when Potter put a hand on her shoulder.

The three of them exchanged a look before they turned to Minerva again.

"Professor, tell us more about the... demigods."

It was a long afternoon; made longer by all Minerva had to relay to the trio.

Weasley looked confused as he cleared his throat and asked, "Do the centaurs from the Forbidden Forest know Chiron?"

Tactless, as always. Minerva wanted to smile.

If this was the first question, then these three would be okay.


The party of four from the United States was expected to arrive by mid-October. Out of the ones arriving, two were supposed to start college (muggle speak for 'higher education') this year. The demigods were worried about having to drop a year, so Chiron and Minerva both pulled some strings and arranged for them to study at Hogwarts for a year. Their grades at Hogwarts would be converted into credits for the New Rome University which was associated with another demigod camp.

Minerva had planned a relevant curriculum for the demigods. She would probably have to interfere with how they would be evaluated. She had no idea what kind of students they would be and was not expecting them to acclimate to Hogwarts' teaching and grading methods.

The entire school had been made aware of the circumstances - of the kidnappings (there had been one more since Albus had told her about Camp Half-Blood), the dryad seen in the woods, the demigods who would soon be joining them at Hogwarts, and also about the Aurors and Ministry officials now patrolling the grounds.

Minerva would not keep the students in the dark about possibly life-threatening circumstances. That was one thing she wanted to do differently than Albus. If her students wanted to leave because they felt unsafe, they would be allowed to do so. No one had left yet, but she wanted them to have the choice.

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