Chapter 1 - In Which Percy Throws A Tantrum (Annabeth's POV)

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Note: Before we begin, I'd like to tell you all about some creative freedom I took so I could make the story work:

1. The timelines don't apply. For Percy and Harry to be similarly aged, I would have had to send Percy and the gang back in time, or Harry and the others to the future, and I didn't want to do either. We're just rolling with September 2011*.

2. Please pretend that the Battle of Hogwarts took place in May 2011, and not May 1998. Yes, I know, blasphemy. Profanity. Sacrilege. Forgive me, please. I wish I could somehow fit that with the idea I have, but I couldn't. Hence, the situation for this fic.

3. I will not be delving much into the details of the worlds (of both HP and PJO). This fic should make sense to anyone who knows the tiniest bit about both worlds.

Also, there will be spoilers from the Trials of Apollo and Heroes of Olympus in this fic. (You probably know of them already, thanks to the fandom, but it was my duty to tell you beforehand). Please proceed at your own risk. 🙈

*(For reference, Jason d*ed on March 31, 2011).

An additional request: It's been a while since I've brushed up on both the HP and PJO series. If you see any errors on my part, please mention them in the comments. I love constructive criticism, and I'll do my best to fix my mistakes.



Percy yelled loud enough to wake the dead.

"I said no, Chiron! NO, NO, NO, a million times no! Just NO!"

Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, and more importantly, son of Sally Jackson, stood on the stairs of the Big House, screaming in Chiron's face.

The latter, naturally, seemed greatly unsurprised.

Annabeth Chase stood a distance away, with Grover, the satyr, and Leo Valdez, her fellow demigod, observing.

She had been chatting with Grover (now, the Lord of the Wild) and his dryad girlfriend, Juniper, when Leo had come running to convey that Chiron wanted to talk to them. And not Juniper. Leo may have tactlessly over-stressed that.

In all of Annabeth's time at Camp Half-Blood, if she'd learned one thing for certain, it was that summons from Chiron were never a good thing.

Judging from Percy's reaction, she had been right.

"Wow, that is a lot of 'no'," Leo whispered to Annabeth. "Are you sure you're dating this guy?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Annabeth replied as she watched Percy's theatrics unfold.

"Will he roll in the grass too?"

Annabeth threw Leo an irritated look.

"I mean, the guy has every right to enact the full toddler tantrum."

Annabeth did not deem that worthy of responding to.

Instead, she shouted, "Seaweed Brain! Stop," as she headed towards the Big House.

Right on cue, Percy covered his ears with his hands and proceeded to roll in the grass.

"Ha!" Leo exclaimed from behind her.

"Aibileen, your boyfriend is embarrassing," Mr D commented sagely. He took a swig of his Diet Coke and remained seated, perhaps, in expectation of more drama.

Annabeth ignored him. It would be strange if Mr D ever began to address people by their actual names. No one knew if he genuinely didn't remember or if he simply wanted to spite all the demigods in his vicinity. She would bet on the latter.

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