Chapter 3 - In Which Nico Hates the Food at Hogwarts (Multiple POVs)

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(Harry's POV)

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been tense before the demigods' arrival. 

From all they had been through, they knew that prophecies could be deceptive. Cooperating with strangers for the sake of a prophecy, seemed like a task they weren't ready for. Their being the children of Greek gods, had every nerve in Harry's body frayed. The word demigod still seemed ludicrous every time it crossed his mind.

Everything changed, however, when the demigods arrived.

They were not what Harry had expected. He was expecting beings who thought themselves above and better than mere wizards and witches. He could laugh now that he had met them.

Percy and his friends were perfectly normal.¹ Grover Underwood was an actual god. He seemed even more normal than the others, except he had horns and goat legs. He was a satyr. Harry smiled to himself. He would have refused to believe it if he wasn't personally acquainted with him.

Harry was expecting the demigods to be sorted into Gryffindor, especially Percy. His being sorted into Slytherin was unexpected. Not that it mattered, but he was looking forward to getting to know him.

Hermione and Ron had dropped the new exchange students at their respective dormitories and were back at the Headmistress's office. Hagrid had joined them for another round of tea.

"What do you think of the demigods, Hagrid?" Professor McGonagall asked as she offered him the biscuits Ron had been eyeing for a while. "Weasley, would you like some?" Ron grinned and helped himself to one, or five, and thanked her.

"All of 'em could see the thestrals, Professor," Hagrid's voice was quiet. "From the way Percy fough', I could see they aren' new to danger. Or fightin'. He got rid o' those storm spirits quickly." 

"I have been informed they have had tough lives," Professor explained.

"I wonder," Harry started, "if they've lost people, too... like us, I mean." He wondered if he sounded tactless. He was expecting a reproach from either Professor or Hermione or both. He looked up at them.

"They are a cheerful bunch," Hermione said with a small smile. She had understood what Harry meant.

"Yeah, they reminded me of us... from before... from years ago," Ron looked around the room, looking anywhere but at his friends.

"These children, like you, have known loss," Professor McGonagall said. "They lost a friend who was helping questers this very year. Chiron had mentioned that Mr. Jackson had thrown a huge fit when he received news of the new prophecy. He was quite unwilling to be a part of another quest."

Her words were met with absolute silence.

"Then why are they here, Professor?" Ron asked before Harry could.

"I presume, out of the same sense of duty you three felt."

"But Professor, we would have been involved with or without the prophecy," Hermione stated. "Our fellow students are at risk. But them? It has nothing to do with them."

"Creatures from their world are involved, Miss Granger. They may not have anything to do with this, but I believe they did not have the option to say no. As I understand it, their fate leads them right into the workings of the prophecy, one way or another. They couldn't run from this quest if they wanted." 

"It's cruel, especially if they have been on many of these."

"I agree."

The room had gone quiet again.

"What do you all think about Percy being a Slytherin?" Ron asked unhesitatingly.

"What do you mean, Weasley?" Professor McGonagall stared at him sharply.

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