Chapter 10: Life Is Indeed Strange

Start from the beginning

I shook my head quickly, trying to alleviate his worry. "No, no. I'm fine, don't worry," I replied, mustering a feeble smile before discreetly adjusting my position. It was a mortifying moment, and I silently cursed my body for betraying me. It was Capital EMBARRASSING.

"Okay, then," he said, though I could sense a lingering unease in his tone.

As I grappled with my embarrassment, a fleeting thought crossed my mind. I wished I had the courage to lean in, cup his cheek, and press my lips to his, to finally act on the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. But in that moment, all I could do was suppress my desires and hope for a future where I could find the bravery to make my intentions known.

As the rain subsided, signaling the approach of early evening, Hesti stirred from her slumber. I couldn't help but wonder if she had caught wind of our playful scuffles earlier, or if she harbored any suspicions about the dynamic between Hasbi and me. However, such concerns faded into the background as my immediate focus shifted to ensuring Hesti's well-being.

"Are you sure you're up for heading home alone?" I inquired, concern lacing my tone.

Hesti nodded, though her expression betrayed a hint of weariness. "I'll manage, don't worry about me. Thanks for everything."

Despite her being stubborn about going home alone, both Hasbi and I were even more stubborn about accompanying her home. After some back and forth, we finally convinced her of the wisdom in our plan, and she relented, providing us with directions to her residence.

"It was almost five minutes bicycle ride from your house."

"Really?" I asked her while tidying her things. She nodded. "I didn't know we live in the same block?"

"Yeah, about that.."

With Hesti leading the way, I hastily mounted her bicycle while Hasbi fired up his Vario motorcycle. We traversed the familiar streets with a sense of urgency, eager to ensure Hesti's safe arrival home. As we approached her gate, I quickly dismounted and hurried to open it, allowing Hasbi to follow closely behind.

As Hesti directed Hasbi and me towards her home, I pedaled furiously on her bicycle, determined to keep pace with his Vario motorcycle. Hastening to catch up, I was greeted by the sight of Hesti's imposing gate—a stark contrast to the more modest residences in our neighborhood, including Gilang's.

As we approached, Hesti instructed me to slide open the gate. Disembarking from her bicycle, I hurried to comply, allowing Hasbi to navigate through the opening.

To my surprise, Hesti's house turned out to be much closer to mine than I had realized. In fact, it was the very same house I passed by each day on my way to school—a grand mansion nestled near Pakuwon City and the Surabaya Technology Institute.

Her residence exuded an air of opulence, with towering pillars framing a balcony that spanned two floors. Countless windows adorned its facade, while a massive oak door served as the grand entrance. The front yard, though relatively compact, boasted two majestic palm trees and a paved pathway flanked by patches of grass.

"Wait, you live here?" I exclaimed, incredulous.

Hesti's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she nodded. "Yeah."

"Fuck dude," I muttered, awestruck by the sheer magnitude of her home.

As we entered Hesti's grand residence, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer opulence of her surroundings. Hasbi offered to assist Hesti inside, but she politely declined, insisting that she was perfectly capable of making her own way. In jest, I suggested that Hasbi should carry me instead, eliciting a chuckle from Hesti.

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