"We get it, Shuhua." Said Yuqi and Miyeon at the same time, cutting off Shuhua. The youngest rolled her eyes at the two girls.

"Well how was yours, Yuqi?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Hehe I spent my time with Soyeon!" She said with a big smile.

Miyeon was surprised that Soyeon would be in a relationship with another girl. Soyeon is known to be the musician of the school, students call her "The Music Genius". Boys kept following her but ended up heartbroken.

"That's great!" Miyeon said with a smile.

"Why are you happy with Yuqi's but not mine?" Shuhua pouted.

"Oh Shu, Miyeon's obviously happy about it." Yuqi assured the younger one, Miyeon nodded.

"But she's really bad at hiding it." Yuqi added, teasing the oldest one. Yuqi loves to tease people, even if they just met. The bell rang, the three of them bid their good byes and went to their own classes.

[LUNCH TIME; 12:00 PM]

"Wow, a new school year started and it's still the same ol' boring lunch we had since we were juniors." Shuhua scoffed looking at the fried chicken breast with vegetables around it.

"Didn't you loved that when we first ate it?" Yuqi asked.

"Imagine eating the same meal often for three years, let's see if you don't get sick of it." Shuhua sighed and sat down on the table.

"Miyeon seems to like it." Yuqi glanced at Miyeon, taking a bite out of the same food on her plate.

"I only like chicken breasts." Miyeon chuckled, chewing her food.

The three girls ate, Yuqi kept teasing Shuhua while the youngest hoped that tomorrow's meal would be better than what they are eating now.

"Miyeon-ahhh, it's been a while since we last saw each other!" A girl suddenly approached Miyeon, it's Sana. Miyeon's friend since childhood.

"Oh my God, hi! I missed you!" Miyeon quickly stood up to give the Japanese girl a hug.

"I missed you too! Mind if I join you guys?" Sana asked, carrying a tray of food.

"Ah yes, of course!" Miyeon grabbed another chair from a vacant table and gave it to Sana.

"Thank you!" Sana cheered.

"How's everyone?" Sana asked.

"Not fine, I hate lunch today." Shuhua sighed, swallowing her chewed food.

"Oh my God, stop nagging and finish up already." Yuqi scoffed.

The two bickered while the other two girls laughed at them. While the girls talked, they noticed that one table beside them was all crowded with boys at their school.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Yuqi asked.

"Dunno, probably boys stuff." Sana chuckled.

"Have you seen Minnie?"

"Yeah! I've seen her walking down the hallway. I felt like I was shot in the heart!"

"You lucky bastard."

"She's so pretty, what the fuck."

"I know, it's like she's made to be perfect!"

"Yah, stop talking about my girlfriend like that."

"Shut up, she's not dating anyone."

"She's gonna be dating me soon."

"Fuck you ugly bastard."

The girls laughed quietly as they eavesdrop on the boys' conversation.

"They're talking about Minnie." Shuhua whispered.

"Minnie? The popular girl?" Miyeon questioned.

"Yeah, the prettiest girl I've ever seen, not gonna lie." Sana answered.

"Of course boys are gonna be talking about her." Miyeon added.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, probably with Soyeon and Soojin."

"Soyeon! Oh my God another pretty girl I want to date."

"You play boy, you always want to date anyone!"

Yuqi laughed out loud from hearing what the boys said. "Tough luck, my guy." Yuqi said loudly.

"Who's that?"

"Soyeon's girlfriend. Now shut up."



The boys continued talking.

"What a douche." Yuqi snickered, grabbing her water bottle.

"Haha yeah, guys just wanna date everyone at this point." Shuhua added.

"Those guys are total jerks anyway." Sana laughed.

Suddenly, the cafeteria went silent. As if someone got their attention instead. The boys also became quiet and started to become jittery and loud.

"What the hell just happened to them?" Miyeon questioned. Looking to the direction where everyone is looking.

"I don't know..." Yuqi squinted her eyes, trying to look where Miyeon's also looking.

There are a lot of people piled up. As if some celebrity just walked in. The cafeteria door swung open, revealing a tall woman. Straight hair with bangs, a mole under her eye. Alongside with her are two girls, Yuqi and Shuhua's girlfriends. Miyeon was locked looking at the girls but Minnie caught her attention. She found herself mesmerized by the Thai's beauty and aura.

"Wow, I didn't know they'd make a grand entrance here." Yuqi chuckled.

"Yeah...." Shuhua melted on her seat as she saw Soojin enter the cafeteria.

"Gay people." Sana chuckled and nudged Miyeon. Miyeon shook her head and laughed at Shuhua's reaction.

The people made way for the three girls to walk. Students greeted them, especially juniors who wanted to get their attention. Most popular girls tend to just ignore them but these girls greeted them back with a big smile. Miyeon noticed how they acted, it made her smile.

"I didn't know they were that humble." Miyeon turned to the three girls at the table.

"Oh yeah, they look badass but they're sweethearts. No wonder why people are so down to them." Sana replied.

"I agree." Yuqi and Shuhua said at the same time.

"Well, let's get going." Sana said, standing up.

"Yeah, I gotta do some things too before heading to my next class." Miyeon agreed.

"You two can go, me and Shuhua will go and meet them real quick." Yuqi said with a smile, tugging Shuhua. The younger one nodded.

"Have fun!" Sana said, waving at the two Chinese girls.

Both Sana and Miyeon are heading outside. Miyeon took another glance to where Yuqi and Shuhua are. They're talking to the other three girls. Miyeon looked at the two couple, and then Minnie. Miyeon doesn't know why she kept staring at Minnie, probably because of her beauty. Suddenly, while Minnie was talking to them. The Thai's gazed to the cafeteria door, where Miyeon and Sana are.

"Miyeon, let's go!" Sana said, tugging Miyeon's shirt.

"Ah, yes." Miyeon quickly turned around, embarrassed because Minnie caught her and walked away with Sana. The Thai didn't mind it that much and continued talking with the two couple.

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