⭐️ Beach day ⭐️

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💙 John Dory 💙

- John Dory and you will swim all day long!

- He has like, 50 different swimming trunks. And he wears a different pair every each trip.

- He also flexes his muscles at you since he's only in trunks.

- oh! And you better believe there are some pretty competitive Vollyball games with John Dory!

💜 Spruce 💜

- Surfing. Lots of surfing!

- Since he's pretty much an expert, he teaches you how to surf. And he still cheers you on even though your no good at it.

- He also let's you and his other brothers burry him in the sand.

- "Anybody thirsty?" He asks as he brings out a full cooler of drinks.

💚 Clay 💚

- Clay usually lays in a chair with his sunglasses on watching everyone else play in the water.

- He also makes sure you wear enough sunscreen.

- He brings a speaker and always plays the best music!

- Clay does like swimming, but only in pools. While at the beach, he stays on land and keeps a look out for sharks.

❤️ Floyd ❤️

- Floyd likes to build sandcastles!

- He brings tons of buckets and shovels to make giant sandcastles with!

- He also likes to collect seashells and find clams, sand dollars, starfishes, washed up jellyfish, really any sea animal or creature he can take home.

- But his favorite things to do is watch the sunset at the end of the day.

🤍 Branch 🤍

- Branch doesn't like the water that much. Hes not a very good swimmer and he hates the taste of salt water.

- He prefers to sit on a chair and relax and listen to the waves.

- But that sometimes can be hard for him when he knows his family and girlfriend are swimming in shark infested waters! (Or atleast that's what he thinks)

- You usually help him calm down by finding seashell and digging in the sand.

⭐️ Brozone Preference/One shots ⭐️ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora