⭐️ Your first date ⭐️

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💙 John Dory 💙

- John Dory wanted to get to know you better! Since you guys already had a lot in common, he thought that you must have more!

- So, he took you to his favorite Coffee shop, where you guys talked and exchanged questions.

- He told you all about his siblings and what there like when there not performing.

- You completely loved the date and he asked for another!

💜 Spruce 💜

- Spruce asked you to go out with him through his wit and charm.

- You of course said yes and you both went bowling.

- He told you all about his old band, Once he mentioned the band, you realized who he was and almost went crazy!

- You guys then spent the rest of the date talking about the band and the other members.

💚 Clay 💚

- Once you were all better, Clay decided it would be a good idea to ask you out. But he more said a "hang out" then a date. Just to get your mind off things.

- He took you over to a small corner where some of the other putt-putt trolls were giving out milkshakes.

- So, you both shared a strawberry shake.

- He then told you about his feelings for you. And of course, after all he had done for you, you fell for him just as hard as he fell for you.

❤️ Floyd ❤️

- Floyd told John Dory about his feelings for you, so John Dory got to work on helping him out.

- He sat up a date for you and floyd. It was a pick nick date! Super classy and adorable!

- Once you arrived to the pick nick area, you saw Floyd waiting with flowers and a shay smile on his face.

- He then told you how he felt about you and you exchanged the feeling. You guys then ate your meal and enjoyed each other's company.

🤍 Branch 🤍

- Branch was EXTREMELY shy about asking you to go on a date with him.

- So, he took you secretly to a little spot behind his bunker away from the other trolls and sang you a song about how he feels about you.

- He told you that it was just a new song he was working on, but you knew different.

- You walked up to him and told him that you love him too.

⭐️ Brozone Preference/One shots ⭐️ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora