Ch. 15 Missing Pieces

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I smile at Dom as he throws his arm around me and pulls me in to him. I snuggle closer, inhaling his warm cinnamon scent. He's been so playful and sweet. I know I've been terrified of the whole fated mate stuff, and I'm still not completely convinced, but maybe, just maybe it's not so bad. I mean, if this big bad alpha is taking the day off just to spend time with me, to get to know me, there has to be some merit to it.

"What movie are you in the mood for?" he asks.

"Hmm I'm in the mood for a comedy. Maybe a romcom?" I side eye to gauge his response. Most guys would rather saw their arm off with a rusty spoon than watch a romcom. To my shock, and honestly to my delight, he grins. A real, honest to gods grin like he is actually happy with that suggestion.

"I love romcoms. If you tell the others I will deny it to my grave and haunt you from the afterlife, but they're my guilty pleasure."

He laughs a beautiful laugh that sends sparks through my heart and straight to my core. I stop walking and look up at him, meeting his gray blue eyes, and my breath catches.

"Are you serious? You'd watch a romcom with me?" I ask.

"Absolutely kitten, even if I didn't like them, I'd watch them with you because I'd do anything to make you smile, to make you happy. Just so happens I love them. But, like I said, I'd deny that til my last breath if you told the pack," he winks at me and I swear I swoon.

Stupid omega bullshit. I should NOT be swooning just because this stupidly hot alpha also likes romcoms. I can't help it, though. This mountain of man, covered in tattoos, likes romcoms. He's what the book girlies call a cinnamon roll, at least on the inside.

"You can't say things like that to me." I reply, my voice much huskier than I intended.

"Why's that, kitten?" he asks, his breath tickling my ear as he leans closer.

"Because it makes me not hate this whole omega-fated mates bullshit." I whisper.

"Maybe that's the point, maybe I want you to not hate the 'whole omega- fated mates bullshit' and I want you to open up to the idea of us, of you being a part of this pack. Maybe, just maybe, I want you to understand we're your missing pieces. I know that's asking a lot, but give us a chance."

A chance.. I could give them a chance, couldn't I? Even with Xanders coldness, maybe he'll warm up to me. Maybe he'll get past his misgivings and trust me. Maybe I'm their missing piece, too. 

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