Ch. 11 Slumber Party

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Jax's words hit me like a fist to the jaw. He thinks I'm the one breaking this pack, but less than five hours after meeting her, we're already fighting. The only thing different today than yesterday is her. Sure, he's known her since they were kids, but he hasn't seen her since she presented. She could be a completely different person now. More devious, more entitled. Tonight for instance, what omega wouldn't rather be wined and dined rather than just eat a pizza at the house? She probably just wanted to see our house and see if we had enough money for her.

"Of course I value your opinion!" I roar at Jax. "You're my brother and a member of this pack. But, you haven't seen her in five years, Jax. It's possible she's not the same girl she was when you were kids. I'm trying to protect us all. You included. I see how you look at her and your own words were that you prayed she was your mate. Do you think you have a clear head where she's concerned? Or do you think that maybe, just maybe, you could be the tiniest bit biased?"

He hesitates for a minute, as if he's just now seeing that might have some sliver of validity, then he shakes his head. "No. There's not a chance in hell that she is anything like that snake you brought in here."

I flinch at that, because he's right. I brought Courtney here. Dom, and especially Jax, didn't want her, but they went along with it because I was their Prime alpha. It's why I'm so determined to make sure she isn't using us or trying to split us apart, too.

"I know that she was my mistake. That's why I'm not thrilled with the idea of Noelle now. She could be using us." He's shaking his head before I ever even finish my statement. I run my fingers through my hair again and sigh.

"Look, Xander. I'm not asking you to go all in right now. All I am asking is that you not be a complete asshole to her while she's here and you put forth a little effort to get to know her. You owe me that much. You owe it to Dom as well," he pleads.

I mutter a low curse, knowing he's right. "Fine, I'll try and back off."

He nods. Like he knows this is likely as good as he'll get from me. Something he said a few minutes ago is still bothering me. I set my plate aside and ask, "So why was she crying? Did one of you do something?

He lets out an annoyed growl, "No. She was talking about why she hated being an omega and how her biggest fear was being matched with a pack that mistreats her or is unfaithful to her. She had a friend that actually went through the claiming mark removal process because her mates cheated on her frequently and she could feel it every time. Just blinding pain. It terrifies her that she could end up with a bad pack. So, having our Prime alpha treating her like she personally offends him with her mere existence isn't exactly comforting to her."

Is she being honest, or is this all just a ploy to have them feel sorry for her like Courtney's story about her true pack? Not for the first time, a feeling of absolute hatred fills me for Courtney. I hate that I've met my true mate, the mate the gods designed specifically for me and my pack, and I can't trust her because of Courtney's lies and manipulations. I could ruin our chance with our fated mate because of it.

"If I completely fuck this up because of Courtney, she's still winning." I say quietly. Jax nods his head.

"Dom and I aren't trying to take anything away from what happened with Courtney. She fucked us all over, but you most of all. We just want to get a chance to get to know Noelle as a mate. Can you give us that?"

Reluctantly, I nod. "I can't promise I'll go all in on the courtship, but I won't go out of my way to be an ass."

"Thank you, Xan." As he says that, the front door opens and I'm hit with the mouthwatering scent of vanilla and honey. Dom's scent is trailing behind her, leather and cinnamon. She walks into the media room, her eyes going straight to Jax and she smiles a little smile at him, her eyes light up.

He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her in a crushing hug. "How about you not walk out of here in the middle of the night without your phone again, hmm Elle?"

When he pulls back she's blushing a bit, I can't deny that our mate is beautiful. She holds her head up and her shoulders back with a confidence that can't be faked. She's got dimples when she smiles her full smile and her eyes are the most gorgeous shade of jade I've ever seen.

I clear my throat and she looks over to me. I see the defensive walls go up around her through her eyes. She doesn't trust me, or most likely hates me. I'm the only one to blame for that. She could have had an easygoing relationship with me but I chose to guard us and our pack instead.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier and how I've been acting. I've not been acting like a good alpha. I'm just trying to protect my pack." I tell her, and I truly mean it. "I'm sorry for implying you were a liar and then the comment about working fast. It was uncalled for. I don't know you and I shouldn't have said either of those things. I'd like it if you'd give this pack a chance to court you, and to get to know you better."

She stares at me for a long moment, clearly waiting for the punchline. Shit, I've been a fucking asshole. I continue, "I know I don't deserve a second of your time, and I'm not asking for you to do it for me. I'm asking for my packmates who are both clearly far more intelligent than me for knowing a good thing when they see it."

At that, she gives me a small smile and a nod.

"Thank fuck," Jax mutters, placing a kiss on the top of her head. She melts into him and a smile breaks across her face, quickly interrupted by a yawn. Jax laughs softly. "Come on, sleepy. I'll get you settled in the guest room across from me."

"Can I sleep in your room?" she asks quietly, looking up to Jax. "It's been a really long and confusing day. Your scents comfort me," she mumbles while looking down and blushing fiercely. All three of us immediately let out small groans, her words going straight to our cocks. I know she smells our arousal and she definitely heard the groans. Her cheeks and neck flame in an even deeper blush.

She's quick to add "Not for that. I just– I want you close," she glances at Dom, "both of you, if it's okay with Jax." She looks back to him with a question on her face. Like he or Dom both would ever tell her no.

"Of course, gnome." She smacks him, I'm guessing from the use of the word gnome. Must be an inside joke. Then it hits me, she asked both Jax and Dom to stay with her tonight, but didn't ask me. It stings. It shouldn't because I don't really want to, but it does. I wonder for the first time, if this is what all that time with Courtney was like for Dom and Jax. When she was constantly spending time with me and none with them, did they feel jealous?

Was she excluding me on purpose, to drive a wedge between me and the other two in the pack? Or was it because when she asked me to do something as simple as eat with them, I'd snapped and implied she was a whore?

"Am I invited to the sleepover?" I ask, attempting to sound playful but failing, even to my own ears.

She hesitates while studying me, "Do you want to be?" she asks quietly.

"Well I am part of the pack, so if you want the pack, you'll have to take me." I say, managing to sound a bit more playful this time.

She has a small but cautious smile across her face. "I wasn't sure if you'd agree to join, and a girl can only take rejection from the same person so many times in one day before she gives up. I'd like it if you joined. Even though we haven't mated, the three of you relax me, when you aren't being a growling asshole I mean," she winks.

I laugh at that. She's quick witted. "Well come on then. Let's all go have a slumber party."

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