Ch. 8 Let's Light this Candle

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As she settles down into the couch between us, I look around the room to see if Xander has made his way in yet. Instead, I hear him stomping up the stairs. Noelle must hear him as well, because her shoulders slump and she lets out a little annoyed huff.

"What the fuck is his problem? Is he disappointed I'm your mate? I'm I not good enough or was he just hoping for someone specific? Or is it that I'm not 'omega-y' enough, because believe me, I know I'm not the norm when it comes to that type of stuff. The other omegas and the staff thoroughly enjoyed pointing out how atypical I was to how an omega should be." She sucks in a deep breath and slams her mouth shut, like she thinks she's said too much.

I have to force down the growl trying to work its way out of my chest. Not at her, but at her words and the fact that Xander's issues are making her question herself like this. I haven't known her long, but she's clearly amazing to have captured Jaxon's attention years ago. That man is the prime example of 'indifferent' when it comes to people outside of our pack and our families' packs. Jax goes to respond, but I cut him off. For some reason, I know she needs reassurance from the one of us that hasn't known her since childhood, that is experiencing the feelings as Xander might be.

"Kitten, his issues are his own, and have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with our last courtship." I cup her face and stroke my thumb across her cheek. Her piercing jade eyes search my face for any trace of dishonesty. When she seems satisfied with my answer, I ask a question of my own.

"You said just now that you 'weren't omega-y enough, and earlier tonight Jax said he knew presenting as an omega was the last thing you wanted as a kid. Will you please explain to me what you both meant? Maybe help me understand you a little better?" I plead in a soothing voice, hoping she feels comfortable enough to open up to me a bit.

She stiffens somewhat, but her shoulders relax when Jax places his hand on her thigh and gives it an encouraging squeeze.

"He won't judge you. I know how you felt about omega distinction when we were young, but I don't know what all has changed in the last 5 years. We're your rocks now, if you want us to be. You can talk to us about anything without fear of judgment," He assures her.

She swallows hard and nods. A look of determination flashes across her beautiful features. "There's my hellcat," I murmur, stroking her cheek again. She finally gives me a grin.

"Jax isn't wrong. Growing up I was very," she stops, thinking for the right word, "outspoken about omegas getting a raw deal."

Jax snorts, "Outspoken is putting it mildly, Dove." She rolls her eyes and gives him a playful smack.

"Anyways," she emphasizes the word, as if to get us back on track. "I always felt like it wasn't fair that omegas lost all their choices after they present. I guess my feelings were like the equivalent of a human woman being a feminist. I felt they deserved more than to just be slaves to their instincts and hormones. Little girls have dreams before they ever present at 16, you know? You want to be a lawyer? You want to own your own business? Too bad, you're an omega now. All we're going to teach you is nesting 101 and how to run a household. At OEC we take courses on things like being a good mate, the best ways to raise pups, and care for our pack. 'Omega' becomes our only identity. I'm not Noelle Banks, who was the top student in my grade until I hit presentation. I'm just Noelle Banks, an omega, and if we end up mated, I'll just be Noelle Banks, The Blackwater Pack's omega. I wanted to go to college and have a career, and become a productive member of society, not just slick holes to fuck, a house maid, and a reproductive vessel." She releases a shaky breath.

"If you still need more reasons, there's the fact that, because of fate, genetics, or the fucking gods, we don't even get a choice in our packs, not unless you go years without finding your true mates. By that time, staff and younger omegas at OEC start to treat the older unmated omegas like its their fault, or that they have some sort of defect, and there's something wrong with them," she sucks in a breath, her words hurried, like if she doesn't get them all out now, she might not ever get the chance again, "which is fucking ridiculous. But really, they're kind of the lucky ones, in the sense that they get to pick between 10 packs. They at least get some semblance of a choice." She shakes her head as if to dispel her thoughts.

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