Ch. 6 Everything

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"Everything, princess. There's everything left to say," I hear myself murmuring, grateful Dom stopped her.

Through the pack bond I feel the confusing whirls of emotions we're all reeling from. I know, without a doubt, what Jax told her about always wanting her was the truth. Not only because he's a genuine guy, but I can feel the longing, and the absolute, stark relief and joy that having Noelle as our mate brings him.

Dom is a swirling mix of curiosity, happiness, and cautious optimism. He loves that she didn't hesitate to snap right back at me when I told her I didn't believe her about my father.

She couldn't actually be clueless as to who I am and what that could mean for us, for her if we were to bond as pack and omega. Jax knows her and clearly trusts her. That has to count for something, right? I sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry. We've had a," I hesitate, searching for the right words, "less than pleasurable experience looking for a mate."

"A mate," She repeats quietly, searching my face for something. "Not your mate, just a mate? You've courted other omegas?" She asks with a bit of a bite. I'm surprised at her moxie. I find it intriguing.

Omegas are possessive creatures by nature, so it isn't a shock that, hearing we've courted another omega, gets her hackles raised. Jax winces. When he was confessing his childhood feelings to her, he mentioned knowing it was difficult for her to have presented as an omega. Is this partially why?

Feeling as though I'm entering a minefield, I nod. "Yes, We're the same age as Jax, so we all turned 21 a few years ago. We tried for months to find our true mate, and clearly we weren't successful since it's you. After months of these gatherings we'd gotten discouraged and we were considering a chosen mate. Then, we met an omega that claimed she'd rejected her true mates for being abusive."

She sucked in a breath and her eyes widened. I feel a momentary flash of anger at her for feeling sympathy towards Courtney, but I remind myself she doesn't know the truth.

I continue, "We thought she was interested in becoming our omega, in becoming part of our pack. So, we courted her. Since we're here with you, it very obviously did not work out."

I try and gauge her reaction, but I wasn't prepared for what she says. Her gorgeous, jade green eyes narrow into slits and she asks with a sort of quiet rage that confuses me, "And why, exactly, did it not work out? What did you do to her?"

I inhale a sharp breath and grind my teeth together. She thinks we did something to her?

"Excuse me?" I demand.

I feel a hand grip my shoulder, and I look to see Dom nodding toward Jax who is moving to crouch down in front of Noelle.

He takes her chin in his hand, gently forcing her to stop glaring at me and meet his gaze. That fiery rage that was directed at me ebbs somewhat when she looks at him, but not entirely.

"Hey," he coos softly, "I know you're overwhelmed and this isn't what you wanted for your life. But, you know me. I wouldn't be pack with men who weren't good, decent men. You know I would never let anyone mistreat an omega. I know you're scared, but we were not the ones to blame for that failed courting. It's more Xander's story to tell when he's ready for you to know, but just understand, it was not us. You are safe with me, with us."

I blink at him. I've known this man since we were 18 and freshmen in college. I have never once, in those 6 years, known him to speak in this gentle, loving voice that he is using with this little dragon of a woman, not even with women he's dated.

Noelle visibly relaxes. Marginally, but still relaxes nonetheless. She does, however, meet my gaze over Jax's shoulder. Her eyes are lined silver with unshed tears, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tries to calm down.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made that assumption. I let my fears cloud my mind and I had no right to assume the worst without giving myself time to get to know you." She looks to the ground as if admitting she's afraid of something is shameful.

Dom clears his throat, "Well, that's enough of the heavy. It's your birthday, beautiful, and we've just found our mate. I think that calls for a little celebration. How about we take you to a nice dinner and we can get to know each other? Hardly seems fair that this boring dud," he claps Jax on the back, "know all about you and Xander and I hardly know anything at all." He's giving her his tested and proven, 'panty-dropping' smile. He named it, not me.

He stands and rubs his hands together, looking at me expectantly. I give him a noncommittal shrug. They can go about this courtship at their pace. Sure, I feel the mate pull. That unshakable desire to claim, protect, and worship, but I refuse to dive into this shit again. It's better to keep her at arms length. I can court and claim her to get the CEO position locked down without getting my feelings involved. That's what's important. Eye on the prize and all that, right?

I make a mental note to talk to our lawyers. There has to be some sort of courtship agreement that states if she leaves or is found to have less than honorable intentions regarding the pack and our future, she can be held accountable. I know packs can be barred from the selection process, but can omegas if they're devious and malicious?

I stand and follow behind my brothers and our "mate" who is walking between them. She's not completely relaxed, but doesn't seem uncomfortable either. Gods she smells delectable. She smells like warm vanilla and honey, like the best baked goods you could eat. My doubts about her intentions and knowledge of my family aside, she's absolutely stunning. She is without a doubt, the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Her auburn hair and jade green eyes complement her pale, creamy skin. The dress she's wearing shows some of her shoulders which are dusted with a smattering of freckles. I wonder if she's got freckles on her face hiding under her makeup. Her curves are delicious, with breasts big enough to fill my hands, and an ass that would bring a monk to his knees. Her legs, especially in that dress and heels, seem to be a mile long. The gods definitely blessed us with a beauty of a mate if this works out.

Now we just have to figure everything out, especially her intentions. I won't let another omega tear this pack apart.  

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