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As Minho was walking, someone noticed that he seemed to have a feeling that someone was following him. It was as if an eerie presence lurked in the shadows, making him feel uneasy.

Just as the person was about to catch up with Minho, they blinked for a moment and when they opened their eyes again, Minho had mysteriously disappeared from their sight. Confused and filled with questions, they wondered where he could have gone.
Suddenly, that person felt themselves being forcefully pushed against the wall. They let out a groan of pain and surprise.Minho, who had forcefully pushed that person earlier, grabbed their collar and
swiftly reached out and pulled down their hood . The anger inside Minho grew even stronger as he realized that the person he had forcefully pushed earlier was none other than Hyunjin.Minho sighed , he let hyunjin go .

' what do you want again , hyunjin-ah ? '
' nothing . Just feel like wanted to follow you . '

' follow me ? ' minho rolled his eyes . Then , he continue . ' seriously ? Dude , are you that bored?'

' No . I just wanted to ask why you quit the job ' asked hyunjin as he fix his cloth .

' just wanted to feel to quit . Why ? Any problem with that ?  '
' You cant quit just like that . '
' what do you mean I cant quit like that ? '
' that's because you quit without telling me , bro .  We've been through so much together! '
' Look , hyunjin . I didn't want to tell you because I knew you were jealous of me getting compliments from the boss . I didnt want to rub it in your face . '

' Jealous ? Are you kidding me , minho ? I thought we were in this together but you're the one who kept secrets from me . It feels like you dont trust me . '

' trust ? ' minho chuckle . Then , he continue .
' says the one who doesn't trust his own friend , following him everywhere . '
' what ? Now you point out at me ? Ridiculous . You know we were supposed to have each other's backs , man . '

' I literally doesn't understand you , hyunjin . '

Minho was about to left but then hyunjin turned him around .

' where are you going ? We're not done yet '

Minho pushed hyunjin's hand away from his shoulder .
' It is . Now , please don't follow me . '

' what if I drag your girl to the police ? Won't you scared lee minho-sshi ? ' hyunjin smirked .

Minho couldn't control his anger anymore. He turned around, his fists clenched tightly. Without thinking, he threw a powerful punch at Hyunjin, catching him off guard. The force of the punch sent Hyunjin stumbling backward, but he quickly regained his balance.

' I've told you , hwang hyunjin . Don't drag people around us . What's wrong with you ?! '
' You're the problem here . '
' the f*ck ? You really want me to make you get fired huh ? '

Hyunjin got really mad and kicked Minho in the stomach. They started fighting , throwing punches and dodging each other's strikes. It was a mix of anger, confusion and the pain from their broken trust. The sound of their grunts and punches filled the air.

Minho grabbed Hyunjin's collar, wanting to say something. Suddenly, the sound of police sirens echoed loudly, startling them both. Minho started to panic, unsure of what to do next. Meanwhile, Hyunjin smirked with an evil glint in his eyes.

' scared getting caught ? '
' were you planned all of this ? '
' you think ? '

' sh*t '

Minho pushed Hyunjin away and kept running, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't stop until, out of nowhere, a silver car suddenly screeched to a halt right in front of him. The door of the car swung opened , revealing Areum .


Without thinking twice , Minho quickly hopped into the car . As Minho closed the door , Areum revving up the engine and zooming off at a fast pace, Minho couldn't help but lean back in his seat.

The whole ride was filled with an eerie silence. The only sound that broke the stillness was the faint music playing in the background. Areum and Minho sat side by side, not exchanging a single word, until they arrived in the garage. Areum turned off the engine and swung the door open. She just stepped out of the car yet minho's word made her stopped .

' how ? '
' how what ? '
' how did you know I was there ? '
' I have my ways and don't worry its safe here . '

She flashed a little smile before coming out from her car . She turned to minho who still in the car .

' you don't wanna come ? '
' oh , wait '

( a/n: fyi , they were in areum's private house. )


' Minho ? '

Areum called him yet he didnt response . He keeps zoning out while watching the scenery at the balcony . She sighed and stand beside him .

' hey , are you okay ? '
' yeah , im okay . Just ... '
' just what , minho ? Worried about me ? '

He turned his gaze towards her , then he looked away . She chuckled .

' Actually I don't mind at all . '
' huh ? '
' Listen , It's not your fault . They doesn't know the real you , but I did . I know you , the real you Minho . We've known since high school remember ?  You did all of this because you have something bothering your mind right ? You don't have to tell me the truth , I respect your decision . '

She slightly smile at him . He looked down .
' But I kill people .. '  minho said in a low tone but loud enough for her to hear it .
She opened her arms wide , inviting him into a comforting embrace. ' come here ' she said softly, her voice filled with understanding and compassion . Her gesture was a silent reassurance , a way to let him know that she was there for him , no matter what . 

Minho hesitated for a moment, his eyes still filled with guilt. But something in her words and genuine care made him take a step forward. He slowly moved into her embrace, feeling the warmth of her presence. A tear fell from his eyes as he felt Areum caress his back. He really needed comfort, and it had been a while since he had felt loved. He missed it a lot.

Not long after , she broke the hug and looked at him . She suddenly cupped his cheeks and peck his lips . That caught him off guard . His ear turned red , she giggles when she saw that .

' This might be a wrong timing but I - '

He suddenly pull her into a kiss . As their lips met , time seemed to stand still . The unexpected kiss took her by suprise , but she couldn't deny the spark of passion the ignited between them . With a slight smile , she kissed him back  , allowing herself to be pulled even closer to him .

Nothing could be heard except for the sound of his lips on hers and the sounds of her racing heartbeat . His lips movement on hers made it possible for her to feel his breath inches from her face. The tension grew as Minho pulled away , letting they breath .

' That was my word '
' huh ? '

A small smile plastered on his face before he connected his lips on her again.

' I like you , kim areum '

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