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"ohhh yongbok~" hyunjin storms into the blonds bedroom, only to see him lying down almost looking as if he were dead. The younger was staring at the ceiling in deep thought, and he didnt even beat an eye when hyunjin had run into his room.


"hm?" the younger answers, still zoned out.

the older sits on the edge of Felix's bed, "what's on your mind?"

"nothing much"

felix sits up and looks into hyunjins eyes, "what's up?"

"I dunno, just came to say hi"

"oh," the younger smiles and jumps ontop of the older, pulling him into a hug "well then hiiii~"

they both laugh for a while until that dies down, leaving them in comfortable silence as they lie on Felix's bed,

"do you want some lunch?" hyunjin asks, looking into the blonds eyes

of course. the dreaded question he can never run away from. food.

the room stays quiet for a few seconds, and hyunjin is already expecting felix to say no, cause that's what he always says, but this time he says something that catches him off guard


the older gets up and stares at felix in disbelief, "really?"

"why not?"

progress. felix was finally making progress, hyunjin thought.

or maybe he wasnt. maybe he just had a few other tricks up his sleeve to rid of the food he consumes.

filler chapter (these arent edited but I'm posting a few draft chaptersssss) ily all sm and take care <3

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