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3 months later

"so felix, how have you been feeling recently?"

"I feel like shit, Mrs. Kang. You should know that already." Felix leaned back on the couch as his new therapist sighed deeply.

"You know im required to ask you that. How am I supposed to help you if I don't know exactly what youre feeling?"

"I don't need help, I'm being forced to be here- I was either this or hiatus."

The woman sighed and wrote down a few words on her notepad, while felix got up to look at what she was writing,

DENIAL? how could this bitch write that I'm in denial?!

"I'm not in denial miss, im perfectly fine, who are you to tell me otherwise"

the woman sighed again, "felix, youre self-harming, you have told me before that you have thoughts of suicide n a daily basis, and you are barely eating. I think it's safe to say something is wrong.

You have been coming here for 3 months and have yet to talk about what's on you're mind. If you don't open up soon, I will have no choice but to talk to your bang chan and possibly even your boss about hiatus."

felix sat there in shock, before flinching at a timer, the same on he had been hearing for 3 months.

"Well that would be the end of our session this week, felix. I have some other patients I need to help- you know, the ones who actually want help."


short chapter for y'all. Sorry I haven't been updating any books, I'm currently packing for boarding school, so idk if I'll update or not lmao

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