2. A Long Day :○

97 9 11

10 December 20XX
1930 Hours

Dr. Monami P.O.V.

How does it feel when you just come out of the operation theatre to inform the patient's relatives about it being successful after almost 4 hours of continuous work and get tackle down to the ground by two monkeys who are well known senior doctors in their fields while showing their teeth like a drunk chimpanzee?

Yep, that's what I'm feeling right now, struggling for air.
Oww! My butt!

Finally, after a war of trying to get up, I whisper shout to them, "Doctors, better get up right now, I'll meet you in 5, my cabin. Seniors doing such stunts would only reduce the influence as heads."

As expected, they quickly composed themselves with back to their personalities, helped me to get up, and marched towards my cabin.

Thank goodness! I already have the facility to remove the PPE kit inside the OT.

I informed the longing ears of the patient's relatives, "Surgery is successful. The patient is out of danger. You may meet them in an hour after all the formalities and shifting to the normal civil ward is done. For rest details, you can consult my junior doctor, Dr. Ricky Oberoi. His cabin is straight and left corner, room no. 256." They thanked me and started to ask about the rest from Dr. Ricky, who was also beside me in the operation, for assistance.

I nodded and went towards my cabin only to be welcomed by the huge gate that had a name plate,
'Dr. Monami Mahajan: General Surgeon' with bold letters shining proudly, always making me smile at my journey.

I saw the doctors cum my lifetime troublemakers sitting on the couch having some discussions. Uh-oh, nah! They are as usual fighting, ignoring their presence I get myself adjusted on my chair after cleaning the look of mine. Well, I know I've removed the ppe kit but still as a surgeon I'm extremely conscious about hygiene being at it's best.

I wanted to have a peace of 5 minutes but whom am I kidding? As soon as I leaned my head at the headrest, both of the human shouted startling me for a moment, "Monuuu....!!!!"
"What!?" I asked annoyed.

"Oh! No! Sid, I guess Mona forgot today's day."
"Though I never agree with the witch beside me but sensing the expressions of your face, I agree!"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"See, I was ri-..Wait a minute! Did you just call me a witch?"
"Hah! Good realizations."
"You know wh-.."

"Shut up guys, I'm tired as hell and on the top you guys are making it worse for me, just be clear for now what am I missing__?" I interrupted knowing very well about their passionate love towards fight with each other.

"What happened to you Monu?"

"Mr. Ganju, you're forgetting that I have been in continuation of surgeries from yesterday evening with very small gaps."

"Oops! Sorry bro, but I bet you will forget your tiredness once you hear the good news."

"And may I have the honor to know it please?"

"Sure Mona, so today it's 10 Dec 20XX. And..." before she could complete her sentence I exclaimed as I realized something.

"Oh fuck! How the hell could I forget? The most awaited results would have been declared. Wait! I need to check it soon!" I said while getting up in hurry to reach for my form card from my bag, only to be stopped as the next words slipped from their mouth.

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