I have to walk inside quick, allowing the dude behind me to catch the door so he's the one who gets stuck holding the door. He knows this too because he sends a slightly bitter look my way while he gets stuck holding the door open for a bunch of other people strolling slowly outside. I'm half tempted to warn him that you snooze you lose for next time, but ultimately decide against it.

That is true mindfulness there. I hope my son is watching closely.

"Mommy, why is he looking at Dad like that?" Cameron whispers, still holding his mom's hand while I come over to them.

"Because Dad's mean, that's why." Kiara doesn't bother whispering, watching me with a smile while she answers him.

I scoff. "You snooze, and you lose, okay? That man snoozed, and he's just mad that he lost." I dismiss as I reach over to grab Cameron's other hand again. "Also, why the fuck does she still get Mommy?" I huff.

Kiara gasps at that, smile widening too. "Noah!" She scolds on a laugh.

"How come he gets to say fuck, and I don't?" Cameron pouts as he looks up at Kiara. She's the one who told him he couldn't say it.

Her jaw drops at that. I lift my free hand to my mouth to at least try to hide my smile. That gets hard to do when I catch the face a random lady makes as she passes us and hears that from our son's mouth. "Cameron Stone, we do not say that word." Kiara is whispering, trying to scold him and hide her laughter. She's not doing a good job.

"Dad just said it!"

"I know! And he was just getting in trouble for it." Kiara nods quickly before she looks up at me. "Noah, we do not say that word. Especially in front of our loved ones." She makes a subtle gesture to Cameron.

"I'm sorry." I offer with a little nod as I glance at Cameron. It's supposed to be his turn next.

Instead of apologizing for the cursing, Cameron nods like he's satisfied and looks around us. "Can we go there?" He asks, eyes already set on a toy store.

"Not yet, Nut. We're gonna grab some food at the food court first." I start to lead us all in the other direction, still trying to hide my laughter at the fact that he still hasn't apologized for saying that bad word.

"Mom went to court." Cameron hums, letting us in on his brilliant game of word association.

I grin at the jackpot I just hit. Kiara looks mortified immediately and tries deflecting. I'm already encouraging him though. "Oh, yeah? What'd she go for?" I ask curiously, praying this kid knows.

"Driving too fast in the car."

"Really?" My voice shakes with laughter I can't contain.

"It's not funny. Both of you." Kiara terribly tries to glare at us around her embarrassment. "It was bogus, and I fought for what I knew was right." She tips her chin up stubbornly which only makes this gold that more wonderful. Cameron doesn't even know what he's just given me which is the best part of it all. He's still scanning our surroundings curiously, ignoring us both while absently swinging both hands back and forth.

"C'mon, it's a little funny." I argue, still chuckling to myself about it. "Cam, dude, isn't it a little funny?"

"Jump!" Cameron shouts instead of answering me. I blink when he squeezes my hand tighter and jumps. Kiara thinks fast and lifts him up some like he wants. I'm a little slower to the party, but his feet don't touch the ground before I can lift my hand too to make his jump longer than it would've been.

"Okay, you gotta warn us next time." I laugh when he makes an explosion sound as his feet hit the ground.

"He did." Kiara laughs to herself.

A Missed OpportunityWhere stories live. Discover now