Kokuzan nutcracker pt 2

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Picking up from where we left off on the last chapter!!! :::3 



Nearing midnight in the Kibutsuji household, everyone was fast asleep. Muzan's parents in one room, Muzan and his new six-eyed... companion..? In another, with the rest of the house being unoccupied. 


Muzan heard russeting coming from the kitchen/dining area, causing him to wake up. After listening for a minute or so, he deemed that the sounds definitely weren't normal. So, he decided to grab the porcelain samurai that laid next to him, and attempt to wake him. He started by shaking him, and when that didn't work, he tried pushing the button on the back of his neck a few times. 

"Come on, wakey wakey..!" He whispered, still messing with the button. 

"...Huh..? Muzan..? Is everything.. alright..?" He said as his systems started to boot up. 

"I don't know." Muzan replied. "Do you hear those weird sounds coming from the kitchen?" Kokushibo listened for a moment. 

"I hear sounds... yes..." 

"Can you come with me to check it out?" He asked. 

"Of course..." With that, the pair made their way to the kitchen. Muzan was mostly leading Kokushibo, as he was unfamiliar with the house's layout, but Muzan still felt more comfortable with him there. As they walked into the kitchen, they were met with an unsightly view.... their kitchen has become infested with rats!! 

"EWWW WHAT THE FUCK..!!?!????" Muzan whisper-shouted. 

"...uh..." ..After a moment of silence from the both of them, Muzan asked, 

"Kokushibo, could you possibly take care of those things for me?" 

"Take care..? I thought we did not like-" 

"I mean, kill them. Please." 

"Oh, ...yes, I can do that..!" Kokushibo then unsheathed his sword, and started Making quick work of the rats. That was, until a portion of the remaining rats... fused!?!!? Both Kokushibo and Muzan were shocked, and at the sight of it, Kokushibo jumped back to be standing next to Muzan. They seemed to have formed some sort of rat.. king..? Queen...? Ruler...? They had no idea. (Don't ask me how this works, it's needed for plot.) 

"What.. do I do.. with it...?!?!" Kokushibo asked. 

"Can you kill this one too!!??" The both of them were getting worried. 

"I.. guess I can.." Kokushibo drew his sword again, and engaged with the rat ruler thingy. Somehow, in the short span of their conversation, the rat ruler had acquired a sword. Or maybe it came with it? Kokushibo didn't know. Apparently, it had also had some previous experience with combat, as it had managed to dodge Kokushibo's first few attacks. This is when he decided to quickly change the settings on his sword, allowing him to become faster and have attacks that are more complex than party tricks. 

He dialed the settings up to the second to highest level, as he wanted to defeat the rodent quickly. And he did. After a few more attacks, he stabbed the rat ruler in it's heart, causing it's body to fall and the rats that didn't fuse to ca rry it to what Muzan and Kokushibo hoped to be outside. Kokushibo then went to the sink to clean off whatever substances the rats could have left on his sword, sheathed it, and went back to Muzan. 

"That was hot." He said. Kokushibo titled his head to the side. "As in, attractive. " He explained. 

"Mm..." Kokushibo nodded. "..What do... we do now...?" He asked, subconsciously changing the subject because he didn't know how to respond. 

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