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Haiiii :3 

So, recently in my English class we have been looking into AI and stuff like it's ethics, etc... I found the subject really interesting, so I wanted to try to give it a go in my personal works. I'm going to give it a prompt and see a few things that it creates.. I'll probably add some commentary and stuff too lol.. I think this is a fun and funny experiment, because the AI's accuracies are.. questionable, to say the least. I want to see how it characterizes Kokushibo and Muzan and how it creates a story. Thus far with what it's written in my class, the AI tends to try to overdo stuff and be overly dramatic, so I wonder how it will do with fluff lol. 

The prompt I gave it was; "Please write a romantic, silly and fluffy story between the two demons Kokushibo and Muzan from Kimetsu No Yaiba. If possible, please pull inspiration from the fanfiction "[Kokuzan] - Oneshots, headcannons, etc!" by FanficSnail on Wattpad, but don't directly mention the fanfic. Please make the fanfiction 550 words or less, and leave a word count at the bottom."

Let's see what it creates! 


In the realm of demons where shadows danced, and darkness reigned, there existed an unconventional pair: Kokushibo and Muzan. While their existence was entwined in bloodlust and power, something peculiar blossomed between them. (Cute, but as I kinda said, I feel like it's overdramatic?? At least it's vocabulary is trying to be too sophisticated...) 

Muzan, with his regal demeanor and commanding presence, ruled over the demon world. His elegance and sophistication were unmatched, yet his heart had a soft spot for Kokushibo. There was an undeniable allure to the silver-haired demon (Koku does not have silver hair what 😭😭) - a gentle demeanor that contrasted the ferocity of his battles. (Not really.. but also, I guess? I wouldn't exactly describe Koku to have a "gentle demeanor" unless he's with Muzan, but go off ig) Kokushibo, in turn, admired Muzan's prowess and brilliance, finding solace in the mutual respect they shared. 

Their interactions were a blend of romance and whimsy, hidden away from prying eyes. Amidst the chaos, they found solace in stolen moments, secret trysts that defied the norms of their world. (I don't even know what "whimsy" and "solace" mean 😭) 

One moonlit night, Kokushibo awaited Muzan's arrival in a secluded glade. The air hummed with anticipation as Muzan appeared, his crimson eyes ablaze with desire. Their gazes met, each conveying a silent understanding that transcended words.Muzan's voice, smooth as silk, caressed the stillness. "Kokushibo, my dear, you enchant me with every passing moment." (Erm.. actually 🤓👆 dialogue should start in a new paragraph) 

A faint blush adorned Kokushibo's pale cheeks as he replied, "Your praise humbles me, Muzan-sama. But it is your brilliance that captivates my very essence." (Koku here is talking a bit faster than normal..) 

Their dance of words was a prelude to the unspoken desires that swirled between them. Muzan's hand extended gracefully, drawing Kokushibo closer. Their fingers intertwined, a tangible display of their mutual affection. 

"You are exquisite, Kokushibo," Muzan murmured, his gaze unwavering.

"As are you, Muzan-sama," Kokushibo breathed, his heart racing with anticipation.

A playful smirk graced Muzan's lips as he leaned closer, their breaths mingling. "Shall we indulge in the forbidden, my dear?" (GIRL IS CHAT GPT ABT TO WRITE A SMUT???? That would be.. unexpected..) 

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