Kokuzan in it's truest form

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Yall if I'm being honest idk what I mean by the title, but basically the oneshot is based off of a conversation I had with my pookie @freshbeans6479 , where Muzan is a scientist and Koku is a malewife/househusband (idk however u wanna put it) 

Theme: Fluff 

Setting: present day 

Au: A modern one but not the same AU as the other modern AU oneshots I've written


It was the ending of yet another long day of hard work for scientist Muzan Kibutsuji, who sighed as he went up the elevator that led to the penthouse apartment that took up the top two floors of the building. As he stepped in, he was quickly greeted by the other inhabitant of the apartment, Michikatsu Tsugikuni, or rather, Michikatsu  Kibutsuji, as the two had just recently legally married.  

As they exchanged their 'hellos', hugs, and kisses, Muzan took note of the lovely aroma that was filling the first floor. (HE CAN COOK IN THIS AU YAYY :3) It smelled of gravy, mac 'n cheese with breadcrumbs, and perfectly soft, medium rare stake to make Muzan's mouth water; furthermore, there was a faint scent of raw meat. Muzan figures that his husband had given a slice or two to their cat, Kyokokukamusari, who was often just called Kyo, for short. (Guess who named him? :::3) 

As Muzan was intaking all the smells, his hands were grasped by Michikatsu, his husband bringing him close, asking a simple question with a slight smile. 

"How was your day?" 

Muzan's focus returned to his love as he responded, 

"It was good. We made quite a lot of progress." 

"That's good!" Michikatsu started guiding Muzan over to the kitchen, asking, "How hungry are you..? Would you like to eat now..? I wasn't exactly sure... what to make, do you think it was a good choice....? Sorry that it's slightly unoriginal..." 

"Don't worry darling, it looks wonderful, as always. I thoroughly enjoy anything that you make me." He reassured, grabbing the plates that his husband had delicately prepared, passing one to him and the other to Michikatsu. As they sat down, Muzan heard the music that was softly playing from the speaker that was worked into the table's centerpiece. It was playing 'On the Rocks'  by OSTER project. (I'm pretty sure that OSTER project is problematic or smth so I don't support them btw 😓) 

The background music to the song sure was fitting to the mood, however the lyrics.. not as much. They were lovers, so it wasn't awkward, per say, as it would be if a family member was present, but it still didn't really scream 'cute dinner with your husband'... (Btw if you don't know its basically about sex...) Muzan knew that Michikatsu had been a fan of VOCALOID for a very long time, longer than they had been together, even, so he knew that he most likely didn't have a deep meaning behind he song playing, and it was probably just part of one of his playlists; however, Muzan being Muzan, decided to ask about it anyways. 

"This song..." He started, "does it describe something you're in the mood for?" He winked as he said the last phrase. 

"What do you mean...?" Michikatsu asked, then took a moment to listen to the song playing. "Oh! I... didn't even realize.." He took another bite of his food. "Uh..." Michikatsu wasn't entirely sure how to respond, he just genuinely didn't notice and even think about it. 

"It's okay! I was just teasing you." He chuckled. "Unless..." He looked up from his food and gave his husband a smirk. 

"Seriously..." He deadpanned. Michikatsu loved his husband, but he was tired of his little jokes. He preferred to not do such activity so... suddenly. They had their days, and unless they were sick or something, that's what he preferred to stick with.  

"Sorry love...." He took another bite of his food. "Y'know, I think this is the best steak you've ever made!" 

"You say that every time." 

"Because it's true every time!" 

"How is that possible?" 

"Because, my adorable little wifey, you just keep getting better and better each time!"

"'Adorable.. little.. wifey...??' Where do you find these pet names..?" 

"Oh, I don't know~... You're just so cute I have to keep making up things for you!" He picked up his now finished plate and walked over to Michikatsu, kissing his forehead as he took his also now finished plate. Michikatsu tried to protest and take the plates for himself, but Muzan ended up succeeding in putting the plates into the sink. "I know you like doing all these things for me, but you have to let me do at least a little once in a while." 

"You already do a lot... you work so hard at your jo-" 

"I mean around the house, silly!" He interrupted, walking over to his husband and putting a hand around his waist. Michikatsu sighed, leaning into his husband's touch. 

"Thank you.., I love you." He said. 

"I love you too, Michi." He planted a kiss on his cheek. "Say, do you want to go up to the rooftop? I'm sure the dark sky plus the view of the city would be beautiful." 

"Sure." He replied. "Would you like me to get you a different drink, or maybe another glass of wine?" 

"So eager.." He quietly laughed to himself. 

"It's my job, Muzan! I want to do all these things for you and make you happy!" 

"It's not your job,.." He sighed. "I'm happy with whatever you do... You could do nothing, and I'd still be happy as long as we're together." 

"Awwhhhh... You're so sweet.." He replied, hugging Muzan. "You're not going to stop me, though." He said as-a-matter-of-factly. 

"I know..." 

"So, would you like a drink?" 

"I'll have whatever you're having." 

"..... But.. I'm having whatever you're having.." 

They both paused. 

"Uh.." Muzan thought for a moment, then decided that it would just be better to go up to the roof. He pulled away from the hug, and took one of Michikatsu's hands. "Let's just go to the roof?" 

"Yeah... That'd be nice.." 

Hand in hand, they walked up the stairs, up to the second floor, and up to the roof. As they made it outside, they were met with a beautiful view and pleasant weather. They walked over to the lone bench close to the detailed railing, and looked over the whole city. The lights were bright and they could hear the city bustling, but from up on the roof, it was actually quite peaceful. They watched the sun set, the moon rise, and the stars come out, leaning on and holding each other tightly. 

"I love you, Muzan.." Michikatsu whispered quietly. 

"I love you too, Michi." He whispered back. 

"Promise me... that we'll be together forever?" 

"I promise." He answered, planting a kiss on his husband's lips. "Even if.." he started, "There are obstacles, I promise you, we'll be together. We'll be together here, our whole lives, and every other universe." 


It's been 8 days since last chapter sorry lol 😓

Anyways hope u enjoyed :3333 

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