Chapter 11: The Quiet City

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                                                                                  - With Tom -

Loud yelling and arguing came from inside the old broken-down hotel. Now on any other day, they would be caught by the Red Army and probably killed or Randall would have them run a marathon as a punishment. But for whatever reason, right now no one gave two shits about that.

Tom was cowering behind Lans and a few other soldiers who were arguing. The entrance and hallway were filled with Hillary's and Randall's soldiers yelling and threatening to rip out each other's throats. Tom didn't make eye contact with anyone, instead, he stared dagger into the floor and prayed that the floor swallowed him whole. If he had just been careful and aware of his surroundings then maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. Tom tried to hold his composure, but his body language told anyone who bothered to look at him, that he was in deep, deep shit.

At some point, Tom had tried to look up and scan the hallway to see where William had hidden. Unsurplisingly Tom saw that William was standing behind Randall and staring at Tom. Tom couldn't even explain the look he was given, disgust? anger? fear?. William stared at him as if he was a vile beast that had just killed his whole family!

When William had ran back to the hotel after he saw Tom and that thing, safe to say when Tom had returned only a few mere seconds after William, Randall didn't hesitate to point his gun at the brit and start this whole hassle. Obviously, Hillary's soldiers came fast to defend their fellow and didn't let Randall blow out Tom's brains. No one even understood what William was trying to explain, his mad rants and incoherent muttering about Tom being a monster and killing something fleshy? a few soldiers were skeptical and the two medics tried to explain this as some sort of outburst or mental breakdown. But Randall didn't allow Tom to be taken away, his suspicion was right! Tom wasn't who he acted to be!

Randall glared at Hillary. Why couldn't he see it? how couldn't he see how much damage and trouble Tom alone was causing?! Randall knows that Tom let those other soldiers die. Tom was definitely a traitor, he had to be, some sort of Red Army spy perhaps?. It pained Randall to go against his own friend, but if Hillary was blinded by nepotism and some nonexistent image of Tom, he would just have to deal with it.

"RANDALL WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME? Back off your men!" Hillary yelled as he pushed soldiers to the side in an attempt, to separate a few from starting a scuffle.

"Hillary get your head out of yer arse! Tom isn't the teen you had when you trained him, he is clearly a traitor! AREN'T you at least worried or curious about where the rest of his team is?!" Randall asked as he got closer and jabbed Hillary harshly in the chest. Maybe he could knock some sense into his old friend.

Hillary froze and Tom did come back alone. Hillary's mouth stayed open for a bit and his lip quivered. Hillary's face reminded Randall of a fish, with wide eyes, and an open mouth he'd laugh any other day.

Hillary tried to find an answer. But found that he had none to give, it felt as if someone had just thrown his brain and he couldn't even think of a reasonable excuse.

Hillary slowly turned his gaze toward Tom. Tom stood silently behind Lans and stared at the escalating argument. Tom caught on and looked at Hillary. "Hillary trust me, I didn't do anything! They're out there I swea-" "BUT are they alive Thomas?" Randall hissed as he tried to step past Hillary and Tom couldn't know for sure. "Y-yeah? I don't know, I left the-" "You don't seem so sure of it!" Randall accused, Tom noted how Lans and Hillary both gave him unsure and untrusting looks.

Tom saw how the soldiers around him hushed down and slowly took small steps or leaned away from him. They don't believe him. "No, wait! I didn't do anything! I-" Tom's words were cut off when the door to the hotel suddenly opened and the small bell rang through everyone's ears. Kevin and the group walked in and they halted in their steps as they saw how divided the room was. The group stayed still, and Kevin stepped closer in Tom's direction. "Uhm are we having some sort of secret meeting?" Kevin tried to lighten the mood, his hands open wide and tilted head. Tom sees how Randall narrows his eyes as Hillary lets out a small sigh of relief, Lans runs up to Kevin and pulls him into a hug. Randall and Hillary share a quick vexed glance.

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