Chapter 7: Messy kidnapping

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                                                                      =Two days later=

Tom was carrying supplies from tents to a jeep, just like every other soldier, Tom was in a shitty mood, for fuck sake Randall woke everyone up by yelling on top of his lungs. Now Hillary may have woken them up early but he didn't yell bloody murder every damn morning. Tom and the rest of the soldiers were half dressed when they ran out only to see Randalls whole unit standing ready outside. Tom felt so dumb in that second, clearly Hillary and Randall had two different methods of teaching. Tom snapped out of his thoughts when someone bumped into him and Tom dropped the box and fell. "HEY?-" "Sorry there mate! Are you okay?" A familiar voice said Tom scratched his head as he looked up to see- "Tom?!"

"DALE!" Tom was pulled up and instantly hugged by Dale. Tom didn't wait long before hugging him back. "I've missed you" Dale whispered, while Tom nuzzled into his friend. They pulled back, that's when Tom noticed Dale had tears in his eyes. "Why are you crying? missed me that badly huh?" Tom asked teasingly but Dale only punched him in the shoulder. "I thought of the worst! I heard what Hillarys unit did- and- I- I thought you" Dale got more tears in his eyes. "Hey! I'm here! I made it, and I'm okay" Tom reassured. "Yeah, yeah, but me and Chase, we just didn't know what to think" Dale patted Tom on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay and alive" "So? Where's Chase?" Tom asked as he looked around. "He is supposed to be training right now actually" "What a bastard, gets to train while we have to do this" Tom said as he kneeled down to pick up the box he had dropped. Tom and Dale chatted the whole time they were packing and unpacking. Not noticing that Hillary and Randall were watching both of them.

"So that's the youngling you've been watching? I admit his eyes are weird-" Hillary hit Randall "-But he doesn't seem special." Randall finished with a huff as he gave Hillary a glare. "Shush it! He has potential and-" Hillary moved closer to Randalls ear. "He has personal ties with the Red leader" Randall jumped in his skin. "WHAT!?-" Randall yelled but Hillary quickly covered Randalls mouth. "SHUT IT RANDALL" Both stood in silence until Randall ripped off Hillarys hands off his mouth. Then he looked back at Tom and Dale and then at Hillary, with a wary look. "Hillary, how do you know you can trust him?" Randall asked. "Randall, we've known each other since I started military school, have I ever been wrong when it came to my soldiers?" Hillary asked as he looked into Randalls eyes, as the other crossed his arms and sighed in defeat. "No, but you were wrong once," Randall said and Hillary nodded. "How can I be so sure you aren't wrong this time?" Randall questioned. "I just need you to trust me on this one Rand" "Asking for a favor?" "No you jackass, Im asking you to have trust in me" Hillary said as he was ready to hit Randall for the attitude. "Alright Hills, I trust you, but I don't trust that boy, I'll keep an eye on him" "Yeah, alright, just don't make it obvious" Hillary said as he eyed his old friend. Randall gave a glare to Hillary. "I NEVER make it obvious" Hillary snorted at that and Randall was about to say something until Hillary cut him off. "Alright, go get the jeeps ready, we're leaving" Hillary said and Randall quickly turned to all the soldiers. "ALRIGHT YOU MUTTS, PACK QUICKER WE'RE LEAVING!!! AND WE'RE NOT WAITING FOR YA" Randall yelled out and all soldiers started to move quicker.


The road was shaky and Tom felt sick. The jeep was jumping on the unsteady road and made Tom jump with it. Tom felt as if he was out of his body and the nausea didn't help him. The only remotely good thing was that Dale and Chase were in the same jeep, but also Tom's newer friends were there. Chase had practically broken Toms back when they saw each other, and now he had forgotten that Tom existed. Currently Kevin, Chase and Gene were singing country songs, Flin, Lans and Dale were talking about whatever, Lans sat beside Tom petting him now and then when Tom grounded due to the jumps. Hillary was driving the vehicle, sometimes joining the conversation and Tom could feel him looking at him. Now and then Tom would pick up his head and look out of the jeep, Tom noticed that the further they went the more frost he saw on the ground. It filled his stomach with dread knowing that winter was coming and their supplies were limited. He hopes the new place they'll settle with will be closer to the transport borders so they'll manage. The thought of food running out made Tom worry, it wasn't the fact that they'll starve, it was the fact that Tom, no It, may start to eat again. Tom didn't want to think about that so he forced his knees closer to himself.

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