"You know, usually if I think of a dragon sage I'd imagine this majestic dragon that spoke with wisdom and used long words, but sometimes I talk to you and feel like I might have gotten the wrong idea," I criticized.

Hey, hey, hey you are 100 years too early to be speaking!

"Can't you say I'm technically not? I'm a descendant of someone who's like centuries old soooo."

You know, I think I was smarter before meeting you.

Hisen chuckled at our momentary argument. The both of us somewhat scowled back at him and then realized we had completely gotten off topic.

"You there!" the familiar man asked, "what is it that you want?"

I walked a bit closer and bowed in respect, "it is an honor to speak to you, Jiraiya-san, one of the three legendary sannin."

"Aaaah, so you know who I am?!" he sounded excited about it, "now now, no need to be so formal, what are you here for?"

"I'm here to relay important information to you, it's best if we speak in privacy about these matters."

He appeared to be somewhat skeptical and worried about what I had said. Of course I didn't expect him to not be since he didn't know exactly who I was, nevertheless, I'd convince him to help me.

We walked outside and out of the village until we reached a barren opening. "There's no one close by, here is fine," I informed, and the both of us sat on boulders in the area.

"So, who exactly are you?" he asks, I had never seen him so serious before!

"I'm just a traveler with connections, nothing more," I answered.

"Then how do I know I can trust you? For all I know, I could be walking straight into a trap I don't know of."

Tell him what you told the Konoha ninja! I'm sure he'll believe you!

"Umm, that's a little hard to explain."

He just sighed, "you seem like an honest enough person, but just know that I can't fully believe the information you give me."

"Understood," I nodded. For a while we talked about the Akatsuki and recent happenings between them and the Konoha ninja just to sum up what exactly had been going on.

"I have finally located where the hideout of the leader," I finally came out with it. He raised a skeptical eyebrow, telling me that he didn't really believe me. "I can't tell you anything about his abilities because I myself don't know them, but I do know that the leader, Pein, possesses the rinnegan and dwells in Amegakure."

His facial expression changed into one of shock and disbelief now, he almost laughed "there's no way that's possible! The rinnegan is only a myth said to have come from the Sage of the Six Paths!" He shook his head and breathe out a laugh, "Amegakure seems like a reasonable place someone like himself would hide, but it's...outrageous."

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