Change of Plans

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Yuyan's POV

"She would have wanted you to have it, it'll help you a lot," Hisen spoke, perching himself on my now late mother's sword placed in the grave Ryuunosuke-sama was kind enough to make for my mother. I slowly walked towards it and picked it up and unsheathed it from it's case.

It was perfect, light unlike my father's sword and very easy to maneuver. The steel black metal shined as the bright sun hit the blade and reflected back at my face. "Did she like it?" I asked.

"It was her prized possession, she treated it like some type of fragile jewel," he chuckled, "I expect you to do the same," he bowed. "But besides that, your mother asked my to watch over you at all times, so I'll be sticking close by."

I smiled at the sword, it really was amazing, perfect for her. Once again, I felt tears almost coming out of my eyes. I was naive enough to be deceived by everyone, even my family who I assumed loved me.

How did she feel though? How much did the decision affect her? And after eleven years, how did it feel to fight the person she did everything for?

"I wish I had known," I whispered to the sword, "I'm sorry, mom."

" The Akatsuki is expecting you back right?" Hisen asked, now flying onto my shoulder. I thought about them all, wondering if they were at all worried, and also wondering what I was going to do about them.

The deal was: kill my mom, then go back to Konoha. If I did go back, they'd ask me all kinds of things about them, and of course I'd spill them all out, their weaknesses, strengths, hide outs, abilities, everything would have to come clean, and when that happened we could destroy the Akatsuki and that would bring peace.

That's what I wanted, what he wanted, and most of all, what she wanted. "If it's necessary to fulfill your goals, do it," Hisen now spoke seriously, "you know, you're a lot like your mother, but I'd say you're much more merciful than she was."

I nodded, "I know what I have to do. Don't worry about it too much."

He's right ya know.

"What was that?!" I shouted and looked around. Hisen corked his head to the side, "what was what?"

"That voice! I heard a voice!"

You mean this voice? It teased. I looked around and closed my eyes and took a deep breath, however when I opened my eyes, I seemed to been in some type of endless void. It looked like I was walking on the sky, there were blue skies and clouds surrounding me.

"Where am I?"

You have a beautiful consciousness, it feels nice and warm inside of you, you really are just like them.

I turned around and there I saw the most magnificent creature I had ever seen in my life. It was another dragon, one much different from the others I had seen in Ryukyu, none of them came close to how beautiful this one was.

It was, first of all, about twice the size of a normal dragon, it's entire upper body was made up of white glistening scales which were decorated with some black spiraling marks and its tips a light blue. It's claws looked like a giant bird's tall talons, and unlike normal dragons, it's wings didn't appear to be scales, they looked more like gigantic white wings. It's blood red eyes seemed to pierce right through my soul and analyzed my every thought

The Peacemaker {Naruto Fan-Fic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن