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What was happening right now? Banter between the Olympian council

Zeus and Poseidon were arguing about stupid things like which powers were cooler, and Hades was just there existing. At one point he just stopped watching and talked to Hestia, considering they had no one to talk to, so they decided to talk amongst themselves. Hades also talked to Persephone while he was at it

Demeter just glared at Hades, still grumpy about the Persephone situation. Hera was just there. Artemis and Aphrodite were bantering. Apollo and Hermes were just there chilling while Athena and Ares were still debating on which style of warfare is better. Dionysus was just there drinking while Hephaestus was thinking about what to build next

Then all of sudden, a bright light and a note along with a book was floating. Athena walked over to it

"What does it say?" Zeus asked

"Dear Olympians. I would like to introduce you a book. I  named it as 'This is your life', because that's basically it. The author? Unknown, and I think it's for the best, but do know it was from a male" Athena said

"Ugh" Artemis groaned in disgust

"Come on sis, don't be unfun" Apollo said

"Unfun is not even a word" Artemis replied

"All words are made up sooo~" Apollo sang as Artemis rolled her eyes

"There's still more... "So you shall read the book with some people of my choice, them being Perseus Jackson, Nico de Angelo, Thalia Grace, Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Katie Gardner, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, and Hazel Levesque" Athena read as each person mentioned started appearing as they dropped on the ground

"P.S. you are are not allowed to go anywhere, you may have eating and bathroom breaks, and no skipping any word nor chapter. And each respective god has to read their story. I wish you all the best

- Ananke, Goddess of Fate" Athena said as she finished reading the note

Athena then gave the demigods the note

"Welp, let's do this" Percy Jackson said

They all took their seats, with the demigods having normal chairs

Percy began reading

"Time for Greek Mythology 101. My sources? There are many versions of the stories, so I'll try to be as accurate as possible. Who am I? You sure you wanna know?"

"I know who this person is" Dionysus said

The gods and demigods looked at him, waiting for an answer

"His name is Rotarran" Dionysus said

They all were silent

"But, isn't that the opposite of narrator?" Percy Jackson asked

"Exactly" Dionysus replied

Some chuckled, most rolled their eyes. Percy continued

"Actually, never mind, I don't want to be found out and struck down. I don't need the Olympians mad at me, so I decided to be anonymous"

"Smart" The demigods said

"Why am I doing this? It helps you know about your Greek gods, and survive an encounter with them if they ever show up in your face. I guess writing all this down will be my good deed for the week. I'm not going to say much about myself. Why? I don't want to. I'm pretty sure Percy Jackson can say the same thing if he ever did something like this"

Everyone looked at Percy

"You know this guy?" Leo asked

Percy held his hands up in surrender

"I promise that I don't, I swear" Percy Jackson said

A few still have their suspicions

"Just please go easy on me while I'm telling you about the gods, all right? There's like... an unending different versions of the myths, so it probably won't be accurate at one point. I will share some of those versions, if they make sense or share them just for information purposes. If anything, blame the ancient Greek and Roman guys that wrote them down in the first place, I couldn't make stuff up this weird. But I'm a writer, it's kind of part of the job description, depends"

"A fanfiction writer perhaps?" Aphrodite asked as Artemis groaned

"Stop it" Artemis said

"What? They're not all bad" Aphrodite said

"So here we go, if there are demigods out there, try to calm down your parents or aunts and uncles if you could"

The demigods looked at each other, then at the gods

(We will try, maybe) They all thought

"I'm still here so that's probably a good thing. Anyways, let's start with how the world was made. I hope you're prepared, there is A LOT of messed up stuff"

"Can I please read the next chapter my nephew?" Hestia asked

Percy without hesitation gave his (best) aunt the book

Welp, that's all for this chapter, I HOPE this was a decent start. Anyways, have a drawing of mine inspired by Ayami Kojima. Have a good day or night readers :)

 Have a good day or night readers :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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