Hoover Dam

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We kept going up river as I got my book back. And we started to slow down. In front of us was a dam the size of a football stadium.

Thalia: Hoover Dam. It's huge.

We had gotten to shore as the naiads left after making sure to hit me with more water.

Y/N: If they didn't help us, I would debate sending them to Kur. Annoyiny nature spirits.

Everyone took a step away from me, and Grover took five. Percy continued the talking about the dam.

Percy: seven hundred feet tall. Built in the 1930s.

Thalia: five million cubic acres of water.

Grover: Largest construction project in the United States.

Zoë: How do you know all that?

Percy: Annabeth, she liked architecture.

Thalia: she was nuts about monuments.

Grover: Pouted facts all the time.

Grover sniffled.

Grover: So annoying.

Percy: I wish she were here.

I looked at Zoë who was looking at them strangely as I looked up again, seeing all the tiny dots moving at the top.

Y/N: Sounds like a good friend to you all.

Percy: We should go up there. For her sake. Just to say we've been.

Zoë: You are mad. But that is where the road is.

Y/N: So we are sightseeing?

Zoë nods at me.

Zoë: Sightseeing it is.

It took us an hour to find a path up to the road on the east side of the river. The top was cold and windy. On one side was a large lake and on the other a seven hundred foot drop that if the Fates had it their way I'd be plummeting down to my death. Thalia was in the middle of the road. Grover was sniffing the air, looking concerned.

Percy: How close are they?

Grover: Maybe not close. The winds on the dam, the desert all around us... the scent can probably carry for miles. But it's coming from several directions. I don't like it.

Y/N: Oh joy, death could be extremely close or far away, wonderful.

Thalia: There's a snack bar in the visitors center."

Percy: You've been here before?

Thalia: Once. To see the guardians.

She points to a small plaza with two big bronze statues with wings.

Thalia: They were dedicated to Zeus when the dam was built. A gift from Athena.

Tourists gathered around the statues looking and rubbing their feet

Percy: What are they doing?

Thalia: Rubbing the toes. They think it's good luck.

Y/N: Weird but very human to come up with something that crazy.

Percy: Why?

Thalia: Mortals get crazy ideas. They don't know the statues are sacred to Zeus, but they know there's something special about them.

I tuned out the rest of their conversation as I kept walking to find a snack bar. I smile as I hear them making bad dam jokes and laughing. After we got food a few minutes later, Percy ran up to us.

Percy: We need to leave! Now!

Y/N: We just sat down for our lunch.

Thalia: Yeah, we just got our burritos.

Zoë shot up, looking across the room swearing in ancient Greek.

Zoë: He's right! Look.

More of those skeletal nuisances were starting to surround us.

Y/N: I'm without a weapon, and I doubt Bianca here can take down that many alone.

Bianca: He's right, but we're surrounded with no way out.

Grover: Elevator!

A ding was heard as along with the five outside and three from the stairwell, two more came from the elevator.

Y/N: This feels like over kill to kill us or maybe it's under kill in me and Bianca's case.

Grover: Burrito fight!

He threw his food at a skeleton as it started chaos around us. We all acted fast Percy and Thaila, tackling the remaining two on the stairs after the first went down to Grover's burrito and we rushed down the stairs.

Grover: What now!

We burst outside and in front of the Bronze statues from earlier before they surrounded us again.

Zoë: Six against ten, and they cannot die.

Grover: It's been nice adventuring with you guys.

I was so focused on the approaching skeletons I barely noticed the statues come to life and Zoë pulling me back as we were flown in the air by our friendly bronze angels to safety.

A/N: Sorry this took so long. I got stuck on this part so it's shorter then I would like.

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