Problems with love goddesses (part 1)

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We had rode on the boar for hours as the sun started to set and the mountains were gone, leaving us in a flat desert for miles around as we started to come to a stop at a creek bed as the boar started to drink the muddy water and tore a saguaro cactus from the ground.

Grover: This is as far as he'll go. We need to get off while he's eating.

Nobody needed to be told twice as we slowly slid off and walked away in pain. I will never trust them again when someone says it a blessing from the Wild. After its third saguaro cactus and another drink of muddy water, the boar squealed and bleached before turning and running back the way we came.

Percy: It likes the mountains better.

Thalia: I can't blame it. Look.

Ahead of us was a two-lane road, half covered with sand on the other side was a cluster of buildings, a boarded-up house, a closed taco shop that looked like it's been closed since before I was born, a post office with a sign that said Gila Claw, Arizona hanging crooked on the door. Behind them all were giant piles of junk that gave me the odd feeling that trouble waited inside, and this is where one of us would die.

Percy: Whoa.

Thalia: Something tells me we are not going to find a car rental here.

Y/N: We should go around it.

They ignored me to talk about a bunch of nuts, and they agreed this was our next challenge.

Y/N: This will end badly. Let's just go around and avoid it if we can.

Zoë: Maybe you're the small deformed one instead of Percy.

I frowned as the rest got their stuff ready for camp. Zoë and Bianca pulled out five sleeping bags and foam mattresses from their backpacks, while Percy, Grover, and I gathered old boards for Thalia to start a fire with an electric shock, the rest all started to get comfortable while I found somewhere nice to sit next to the fire.

Zoë: The stars are out.

I looked up to see the star filled sky with a small smile. One thing that we could agree on the stars are amazing.

Bianca: Amazing. I've never actually seen the Milky Way.

Zoë: This is nothing. In the old days, there were more. Whole constellations have disappeared because of human light pollution.

Percy: You talk like you're not human.

Zoë: I am a Hunter. I care what happens to the wild places of the world. Can the same be said for thee?

Thalia: For you. Not thee.

Zoë: But you use you for the beginning of the sentence.

Thalia: And for the end. No thou. No thee. Just you.

Zoë: I hate this language. It changes too often!

Everyone kept looking at the stars when Grover started talking about Pan with both him and Zoë getting sad looks while I got up and walked away to get a breather away from the group. I stared at the junkyard, having my gut hit one of the lowest points it had in the last few years. This place screamed trouble to me. I heard Percy and them calling me back over to ask me a question as I walked back to them.

Percy: How did you kill one of those things when we couldn't?

Y/N: I could assume it's to deal with my parentage, Ereshkigal is the goddess of Kur, thus much like Hades of your pantheon, a god of the dead. Why is this important for something?

Percy: We are trying to figure out how Bianca did it and remember you killed one as well and were curious as to how.

Zoë: Are you saying Bianca's godly parent might be a child of a god of the underworld?

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