Camps are fun they say

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Mr. D: Oh, it's you, Lazarus Grimes.

Y/N: No, even remotely close to my actual name, drunkard.

Mr. D: Careful who you insult boy they might not be as forgiving, consider this your one warning.

Chiron: Ah, it's you... you never actually gave us a name, only things other campers were sent on quests for. I assume you crossed paths with them and sought to finish what they started.

Y/N: Right formal introduction time, I guess. I am Y/N L/N, son of Ereshkigal, and Aaron L/N; I guess I would be considered the prince of Kur, not that I know where Kur is currently.

Chiron's eyes glinted at recognition as if I said someone he recognized most likely my mother, but asking would be a waste of mine and his time.

Chiron: Well, may I be the first to welcome you officially to Camp Half-Blood, though I wish it were during a better time.

Y/N: Indeed, now could one of you be so kind as to release me from my binds to her?

Thalia: We have no guarantee you won't try to run the first chance you get, and besides, the hunters said to keep you here until their lady comes back on the solstice.

Y/N: What can I do to prove I won't run to you?

Chiron: Swear on the River Styx. You won't go running off when we cut your bindings.

Y/N: Fine, I swear on the River Styx, I won't run from the camp without permission.

Thunder rumbled in the sky, and then the bindings connecting me to Thalia were thankfully removed.

Y/N: So where will I be staying during my time here?

Chiron: undetermineds normal stay in Cabin Eleven.

Y/N: And that cabin belongs to?

Chiron: Hermes.

Y/N: Absolutely not.

Chiron: Cabin Eight would also have to house you given you are their prisoner... but I doubt they want you in there.

Y/N: Fine, I'll sleep outside, then. Anything I should tell the hunters while I return their rope that I was kindly attached to?

Chiron: Ah, yes, please alert them to capture the flag game between them and the campers.

Y/N: Will I be allowed to compete?

Chiron thought for a moment as he donated with his thoughts if I should be allowed to join.

Chiron: Well, I see only one problem with it would be your status as a prisoner to the hunters

Mr. D: Bah, let him play. If he wishes to die, then let him join the hunters, and he will get the opportunity to torture their prisoner further.

Chiron: Mr. D, we would be held responsible for any outcome that comes from him joining his death would most certainly anger his mother if what he said is true.

Mr. D: I doubt he's telling the truth those gods faded long ago. He's just another demigod with immense pride in himself. He probably got it for living outside of camp alone as long as he did.

Y/N: Whatever helps you sleep at night, Mr. D, if you all need me, I'll go get the same treatment Grover got by bothering the hunters.

I walked out, heading to Cabin Eight, quickly knocking on the door with my right hand holding the rope. As the door opened, I dodged a fist, trying to clock me in the eye. When I straightened out, I saw Zoë standing there, her glare seeming to deepen when she saw me standing before her unbound.

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