And that you didn't look like yourself. “Uh. Primus.” He said to Primus. He looked at Vector Prime. “Yes, Vector Prime.” He said and replied back to Vector Prime. “We have an issue.” He said to Primus. “What kind of issue?” He asked Vector Prime. Vector Prime pointed where you were lying. Primus looked and he saw that you were moving but you didn't look like yourself. Primus quickly went over. “Unicron, if that is you, release my wife.” He said and asked Unicron. Emest stands up and stares at Primus with a blank expression on her face, her eyes glowing blue. “I am Unicron.” His voice said communicating through Emest. “Let my wife go, Unicron.” He said and replied back to Unicron. “I cannot do that. She belongs to me now, and I will not give her back.” He said to Primus. “She is mine, Unicron. You can't have her.” He said and replied back to Unicron.

“She is no longer yours, she is mine now. And there's nothing you can do to stop me from keeping her.” He said to Primus. Primus looked at him. “No. She is mine and I can stop you, Unicron.” He said and replied back to Unicron. “Give up now and there won't be any trouble. You cannot defeat me, you cannot stop me from taking what belongs to me.” He said to Primus. Primus growled but he went and grabbed a certain item that Emest would remember. It was a necklace. “Emest. I know you are in there my love. But remember our love and remember me fight Unicron. But remember this item.” He said, calling out to his wife. Primus showed the necklace. Soon Emest was starting to remember. “I...... I know this necklace...... It belonged to someone who was important to me, but who was it?” She said, remembering the necklace.

“My love, fight Unicron. He is controlling you, remember our love.” He said to his wife. Emest stares at Primus, a faint glimmer of her true self visible behind the Unicron control. “Primus. I know you, and I know that I love you.” She said to her husband. “Yes. I do love you. Fight Unicron.” He said and replied back to her. “I will fight him, for you.” She said and replied back to Primus. Primus smiled. Emest closes her eyes, and suddenly there is a flash of light, and Unicron's control over her disappears. “Primus. I'm back.” I said to Primus. Primus smiled. He walked over to her. “Primus. I'm so sorry, I almost lost myself to Unicron. But you brought me back, thank you my love.” I said to Primus. He smiled. “I couldn't lose you to my evil twin brother. I love you too much.” He said and replied back to me.

“I love you too, Primus. But how did you bring me back? I thought Unicron's control over me was unbreakable.” I said and asked him. “Well, I had help with this item.” He said and replied back to me. Primus showed her the necklace. “This necklace...... I remember it now, it belonged to someone who was important to me. And it broke Unicron's control over me.” I said to Primus. “Yes. But who do you think this necklace belonged to?” He asked me. “The name on the necklace...... it says Megatron!” I said and replied back to him. “Why would it have his name on it?” He asked me. “I...... don't know. But something feels strange about this necklace, as if there is more to it than just a simple piece of jewelry.” I said and replied back to him. “Unless. Could Megatron be your father or something. You want me to scan you to see.” He said and asked me.

“Yes, I think that could be true. Please scan me, and find out for sure.” I said and replied back to him. Primus nods Primus scans Emest with his data pad, searching for answers as he looks at his pad. The data pad displays information about Emest's ancestry, and it reveals that she is indeed Megatron's daughter. I looked at him. “Well, what does it say?” I asked him. “Emest. Your father is Megatron.” He said and replied back to me. “My father is Megatron? I...... I never knew that, how did I not know this before?” I said and asked him. “I don't know.” He said and replied back to me. “I have so many questions now, about my father and about the necklace. But...... I am happy to know the truth.” I said to Primus.

“We better contact Megatron and tell him that we need to meet up with him in the forest.” I said to Primus. He looked at me. “Yes. You are right my love. But Megatron has the right to know that you are his daughter.” He said and replied back to me. I nodded. “You want me to help you contact him.” He asked me. I nodded. “Yes please.” I said and replied back to him. He nodded. He went and he patched a transmission call. Soon the transmission was answered. “Megatron. This is Emest. I am requesting to meet up with you in the forest.” I said to Megatron. I soon heard a chuckle. “I thought you were scared of me and wanted to stay away from me. Really what changed my dear.” He asked me. “I… I can't tell you over this transmission call. I need to tell you in private in the forest.” I said and replied back to Megatron. “Very well. I'll meet you in the forest.” He said. Soon the call ended. I looked at Primus. “Wish me luck. If anything goes wrong. I'll contact you.” I said to Primus. He nodded. He went and he kissed me. I kissed him back. I then walked off and headed to earth to the forest. Primus watched you walk off. “Good luck my dear.” He said to himself. He walked off and went to his quarters to get some rest.

Location: Earth

On Planet Earth:

Location: Forest

Inside The Forest:

Megatron stood waiting for Emest when he heard something he looked and he saw you. “What do you want, Emest. And what do you need to say to me?” He asked me. “Well… I discovered something.” I said and replied back to Megatron. “What did you discover?” He asked me. “Well… I discovered that I am your daughter.” I said and replied back to Megatron. His eyes widened. And he was in complete silence. Like he was frozen and didn't know what to say. “Megatron.” I said to Megatron. Finally getting his attention. He shook his helm. “Huh. Oh right. You are saying that I am your father.” He said. “Can you prove it and show it to me?” He asked me. I nodded. I pulled out a necklace. Soon his eyes immediately widened. He remembered the necklace. He quickly went over and he looked at it.

He soon almost had tears seeing it once again with his own optics. “SilverFlame.” He said. I looked at him. “What.” I said and asked Megatron. “SilverFlame. That was your mother's name. This was her necklace.” He said and replied back to me. “Where is she?” I asked Megatron. Megatron faceplates soon showed sadness. “She's…. No longer with us.” He said and replied back to me. “What happened to her?” I asked Megatron. “She was killed during battle with the Autobots.” He said and replied back to me. “And I'm with them.” I said to Megatron. He looked at me. “Yes. I can see now. But… I'm not angry or upset. I'm just happy to see that you are happy. That's all your mother ever wanted.” He said and replied back to me. “I am happy. And I have a husband and he is the creator of all life on Cybertron.” I said and replied back to Megatron.

“You look so much like your mother.” He said. I smiled. Megatron looked at his daughter. He gently placed his digits on her cheek. He soon smiled. “I finally have my family back.” He said. I smiled. “But you want this to be kept a secret right?” I asked Megatron. He nodded. “Yes. I can't let no one know that you are my daughter. Everyone thinks she's passed on like her mother. But she hasn't. You are right here.” He said and replied back to me. I nodded. “Look I better get going. I love you, my daughter.” He said. I smiled. “I love you too daddy.” I said and replied back to Megatron. He smiled. He gently placed a kiss on my forehead. He looked at me one last time before he finally walked away and headed back to his ship. I smiled. “Primus. You can open a bridge my love.” I said to Primus. Soon the bridge opened. I then walked through and soon the bridge closed behind me.

Location: Outer Space

Inside Outer Space:

Location: Where Everyone Is

Inside The Area:

Primus & Emest's Room:

Inside Primus & Emest's Room:

The bridge opened in the room. I walked out of the bridge. I looked and I saw Primus lying on the berth. I smiled. I walked over and I laid down on the berth. Once I did I was pulled closer to him. I smiled and giggled. I heard a chuckle escaping from deep within his chest. I soon snuggled and nuzzled against him. Soon before I knew it. I fell into a deep recharge. Resting in my husband's arms.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Emest Wife Of Primus First Pre Sequel To SunblastWhere stories live. Discover now