"El, I'm not who you're worried about, right? Because you know you can talk to me about whatever is bothering you-," He rushed, and I shook my head.

"No, it's not you either," I trailed off, waiting for him to put two and two together. When he finally did, his face was more confused than anything.

"Wait, you're worried about...Luka? Why? He's like, the nicest guy I've ever met."

"Yeah, I know, and that's the problem! He and I are friends, but he likes someone who likes, uh, someone, kinda, and he thought I liked you but obviously I don't, and he knows that now, but-," I tried, but Adrien cut me off.

"Oh, you mean you just don't want things to be weird between you two?" Adrien asked, and I nodded, somewhat dejectedly.

"Yea, something like that," I mumbled. I hated dancing around the subject with Adrien, but I hated the thought of coming clean more. He'd never stop teasing me if he knew I liked Luka.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't think you have to worry about that, El. Luka's not the type of guy to let rumors ruin a friendship, especially if they aren't true," he acknowledged cheerfully.

"And," he added, "if things do get awkward, you can always come hang out with me instead."

For the umpteenth time, I wondered what lucky stars had been blessed that I would get stuck with Adrien Agreste as a brother. Truly, I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime.

"Thanks, Adrien, you're the best, really," I told him, hoping my eyes reflected my sincerity. They must have, because Adrien smiled and promised that I could always count on him.

Too soon, the car pulled up beside a familiar dock with a familiar head of blue hair waving at us. I glanced at Adrien, and we nodded at each other before opening our respective doors and stepping into the sunlight.

"Adrien! Eden! I'm so glad you guys could make it!" Rose squealed, and I gave her a small wave. In return, the exuberant girl gave me a bone-crushing hug that almost lifted me off the ground.

"Rose, let her go, she needs to breathe," Julia muttered, freeing me. I gave her my look of thanks before joining Nathaniel on the boat.

"Look who finally showed up," He grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm three minutes early, Nathaniel."

He raised his hands in defense before thumping me on the nose, hard.

"Hey!" I shouted, thumping him back, harder. Nathaniel gasped, trying to thump me again, but I grabbed his hand and thumped him on the cheek. He pulled his hand back and lightly punched me in the arm. But I was annoyed now, so I punched him back, less lightly.

His grin flipped upside down and he jabbed me in the stomach.

"Real mature," I grumbled, jabbing him back.

"Hey guys," Luka said, strolling up just in time to see me and Nathaniel throw down.

Nathaniel grunted as I elbowed him in the gut and I had the breath knocked out of me as his kneecap connected in the space between my ribs. I reached out to slap him upside the head at the same time he reared his hand to swipe my chin.

"Uh, guys," Luka trailed off, the hand holding his camera falling to his side.

Nathaniel and I both looked over at him, and our flying hands resulted in the strangest roundabout high-five that had ever been accomplished. Glancing at each other, Nathaniel and I smiled sheepishly at Luka.

"Um, hey, Luka," I said casually, at the same time Nathaniel declared, "She started it!" Liar. I told him as much with the glare I shot his way. For his part, Nathaniel ignored my glare and shot Luka an innocent smile.

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