*Part Two*

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______________Adrien's POV_________


In the nurse's office, she stirred.

"Adrien? What happened?" She asked me.

"You fainted," I told her, "Do you remember what happened?"

She shook her head, looking around to meet the worried gazes of her classmates.

"No, that's what I was trying to find out. First I was eating lunch, then the cafeteria exploded and I must have hit my head or something. Because then I was almost hit by a car, and then some guy in a leather catsuit almost dropped me off a building, and then a swarm of beetles came and I was back in the cafeteria, but everything was normal and now I'm here and now that I'm saying it out loud, I must have hit my head really hard or fallen down the stairs or something, because there is no way that actually happened, because-," She rambled, and I bit my lip.

"Eden, slow down. You didn't hit your head, there was an Akuma attack. You must have tried to hide and ended up outside. I'm sure Cat Noir was just trying to keep the car from crushing you. The ladybugs were from Ladybug, and they took you back here to keep you safe after the Akuma was defeated." I explained patiently. She must have fainted from the shock of it all.

"Cat Noir? Ladybug? Who..." Eden started, sitting up.

"They're Paris' heroes," Marinette supplied.

"Huh." Eden said, "Well, now I'm embarrassed. I can't believe I fainted because of a couple of magic ladybugs."

"Well, it most likely was from the stress of the situation paired with dehydration," the nurse explained, handing Eden a small chapstick, "that would make the most sense, considering you've never experienced an akuma attack before. When the first attack happened, I had tons of kids passing out. You'll build up a tolerance to it like the rest of us have soon enough, chère."

Eden just nodded, accepting her explanation.

"Did I miss any classes?" She asked, and I noted the change of subject.

"Just art," I told her, and we all gathered our stuff and trooped back to class. Eden did everything she could to steer the conversation from herself the whole way.

"So, what's y'all's plans for after school?" She asked.

"I'm doing an interview for the Ladyblog," Alya said.

"I'm helping record a song for Kitty Section," Rose said, and Marinette, Julika, and Ivan all chimed in to say they'd be there too.

"What about you?" She asked, glancing my way.

"Oh, same old as always. My father plans out my afternoons, so I have my fencing lessons, Mandarin, and then used to, I'd have a photoshoot or something." I told her, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"No way, you fence! That's so cool, can I come? I've always wanted to learn how to fight with a sword," She asked excitedly, while play fighting with an imaginary sword. I laughed at how silly she looked, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Actually, we're your host family, so you have to come along," I told her, and she beamed. I wished I had her enthusiasm for completing my father's chores.

"Awesome," She said, elbowing me. "And, if you can't teach me anything, then I'll just have Marinette teach me some moves. She seems like she'd be good at fencing," Eden said, and Marinette giggled.

"Sure, I could teach you some of the forms, like tripping and falling," Mari said, and Eden laughed along with Alya. Her laugh wasn't at all like one I'd heard before. It was incredibly loud and high-pitched, like a seal with asthma. And very, very contagious.

All's Well that End's Wellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن