*Part Six*

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________Adrien's POV____________

"Where's Eden at, Adrien?" Marinette asked me, setting her tray down in the seat beside me. "I didn't see her in class today."

"She wasn't feeling well this morning, so she stayed home. Something about a nightmare," I explained, and Marinette nodded sympathetically. "That's too bad, isn't she in art? Luka was telling me their still-lifes are due today."

Eden had picked a bad day to get sick, apparently. Plus, without her tagging along with me all day after school, I'd be stuck without anyone to talk to after fencing. Still, I didn't envy her staying at home all day with Father, especially after what had gone down last night.

"Yeah, she mentioned something like that yesterday," I responded, realizing something. "She actually took it home to finish."

Marinette frowned, understanding that this would give her a late grade.

"Why don't you see if your bodyguard could drop it off?" She offered, and I nodded. Marinette always knew what to do in these situations. She was such a great friend.

"That's a great idea, Marinette! I'll ask Mrs. Bustier if I can call him."

Excusing myself, I made my way over to my teacher who was standing conveniently nearby. After receiving the go-ahead, I walked into the locker room to find my phone. If I recall correctly, it would be in my messenger bag, where I'd tossed it this morning. I figured I'd call Eden first. As the rings sounded in the empty locker room, I practiced my sales pitch. Marinette really was a genius for thinking of this.


Eden sounded tired like she'd only recently woken up.

"Hey, Eden, how are you feeling?"

"Just dandy. I should be able to come back by tomorrow; Gabriel gave me the afternoon off, so you're on your own for Mandarin"

I smiled slightly, relieved that she was feeling better. This morning she'd really freaked me out. She'd refused to leave her room, didn't come down to eat, and barely said a word.

"That's good. Mariette and I were talking about how your art project was due today..." I trailed off, giving her time to respond before continuing.

"Shoot! Adrien, I have to get that-"

I interrupted her, knowing what she was going to say.

"And we had the idea that Gorilla could drop it off at the school for you, so you don't get any points taken off."

A sigh on the other end.

"Thank you, Marinette. I'll call Gorila and see if he'd be willing to drop it off for me." She told me, the relief evident in her voice.

"Great, I guess I will see you later then. Hope you feel better soon, Eden. Bye!"

She returned the words before clicking to hang up.

"So, the American is sick?" Plagg asked, peeking out of my jacket. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Haven't you been listening, Plagg?" I asked him, and the little Kwami shrugged.

"Not really. Got any cheese?"

_____________Eden's POV__________

After hanging up with Adrien, I couldn't help but feel guilty for lying to the second person of the day, the first person being myself. I wasn't feeling any better and Gabriel hadn't given me the day off. He thought I was at school and Adrien thought I was sick. And they would continue to think that, at least for the time being. Right now, though, the facade would be upheld because the show can't go on if it's canceled.

All's Well that End's WellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora