*Part Five*

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______________Eden's POV__________

Ducking beside an overturned car, it took about two seconds to spot my abandoned bag. Five minutes, let's do this. Creeping was never a particular strength of mine, but you could hardly hear all the twigs I stepped on over the war cries coming from Chat Noir and the creature. (War meows?) Ladybug had disappeared again, probably for whatever plan she'd cooked up this time. Didn't matter, I needed to focus on the task at hand.

Getting to the bag wouldn't be too great an issue, but grabbing it without being spotted was another thing. The backpack was practically sitting in the middle of where the battle was commencing. The yellow bag sat in almost tantalizing stoicness. This was becoming quite the pickle.

"Here I go," I muttered, sprinting from one car to the next like a crazy game of hide and seek. But the cars only got me so far, and all too soon I was faced with my next challenge. The way I saw it, I had three choices:

1) I could run back inside and wait it out

2) I could make a run for it and hope I outran the Akuma 

3) I could wait until the battle inevitably shifted elsewhere, but risk being locked out 

None of the options seemed that appealing other than number 1, but I was too close to head back. Besides, I still had, what, four minutes? That left me with numbers 2 & 3. A glance to make sure my laces were tied was all the decision time I needed. Number 2 it was. Leaping out from behind the car, I raced full speed to certain and impending doom. Feet don't fail me now.

________________Luka's POV_______________

"Got it?" Ladybug asked, and I nodded. A quick flash of light as I pulled back my bracelet and the countdown began.

"Good, now Viperian, if anything goes wrong, just reset the timeline. This Akuma is one of Hawkmoth's most dangerous, so be ready so that no one gets hurt." She repeated, and I nodded, surveying the scene unfolding below me.

Chat Noir was fearless, but I could tell he was getting more tired by the second. The fact that Marinette was still missing made me all the more determined to beat this akuma, the guilt of leaving her when she might need my help tainted my every thought. I needed to focus.

"Chat, now!" Ladybug yelled, swinging at the Akuma from behind in an attempt to immobilize it. Swinging his baton, Chat Noir knocked it back towards Ladybug who in turn wrapped it up in her magic yo-yo. A flash of brown in my peripherals drew my eyes away from the battle.

From behind a car, Eden was sprinting full speed towards a bag sitting feet away from the struggling Akuma. The closer she came, the more forcefully the Akuma fought back. Her fingers wrapped around the bag and she turned heel to get back inside the boat. At the same moment, the Akuma broke free. From my vantage point, it was painfully obvious she wouldn't make it to the door before the akuma caught up to her.

Without a second thought, my fingers pulled back the bracelet, and time reset.

"Great, now Viperian-," Ladybug started, but I interrupted her.

"The plan works, Ladybug, but I have to do something real quick. Just make sure to keep your yo-yo tight." I reassured her before rushing off to where Eden crouched, waiting.

"You can't run," I told her, grabbing her shoulder to hold her back as she stepped forward to sprint. In an instant, she'd turned to face me, throwing my hand off and backing away in the process; she attempted to mask her features into a hard stare. It didn't work.

"Who are you?" She demanded, glancing back towards her backpack.

"My name is Viperian, I'm with Ladybug and Chat Noir."

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