*Part Three*

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____________Eden's POV________

"Adrien, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you," a squeaky voice yelled, and I had to turn my head. A girl with ugly bangs and a romper was practically dislocating Adrien's arm in an attempt to pull him away and into another room. The locker room, I think.

"Who's that?" I asked Marinette, laughing, "She's gonna break Adrien's arm."

"Eden, meet Lila Rossi," Marinette deadpanned. I didn't need to clarify her disdain for the girl. Wait, Lile Rossi? That's the girl Adrien was telling me about.

"She looks very...clingy," I said, struggling to find a positive attribute but coming up short.


I sighed. "Should we save him?"

Marinette nodded, grinning. "Sure, what's the plan?"

I shrugged.

"I never have a plan. Let's go."

She laughed, leading the way. I like Marinette, she was sweet. But I still caught that strange look from the first day every once in a while. I'm sure she'll realize soon enough that I'm not out to steal Adrien away from her. He was nice, but more of a brother than anything. Knowing me, I'd probably just end up moving back home the second I got anything off the ground with anyone.

"Hey, Adrien, there you are!" Marinette exclaimed, mimicking Lila's earlier squeals.

I grabbed his arm, mocking her over-eager and exhausting reaction to finding him.

"Oh, yes, Adrien, Mari, and I have been looking everywhere for you! We, uh, need your help with something?" I asked, knowing how easily Lila must see through the lie. Whatever, I mean, what was she gonna do? Throw a fit?

"Oh, what can I help you guys with?" He asked, relieved for the excuse to leave.

"Well...," Marinette bit her lip, trying to think of something, but I knew that whatever we said, he'd go along with it. So, I finished the sentence for her.

"We need you to show us how that vending machine over there works. I wanted to get something from it, but everything is in French and Marinette had a headache, so reading the small font hurts her eyes."

Lila narrowed her eyes; naturally, I smiled at her, all innocence and sweetness. I got the feeling she wasn't used to stuff like this happening to her. Oh well, suck it up, buttercup.

"I could read them for you if you want. What's your name again?" Lila asked, batting her eyes even though her voice dripped with poison. I didn't miss a beat.

"Oh, that's sweet of you, but I wouldn't want to put that on you. Adrien's my student guide, anyway. It's his job to help me when my good friend Marinette here can't. She's the sweetest, isn't she?" I asked, not answering her question.

"Yes, I just love Marinette." She drawled, and I nodded, as if I cared about anything she was saying.

"That's great, but we need to get to that vending machine. See you later... umm, who are you again? I don't think I caught your name."

She frowned slightly but answered anyway.

"Lila. Lila Rossi."

"Great! Well, see ya!" I sang, already walking away. It was a jerk move, and I almost felt bad. But whenever I saw the looks on Marinette and Adrien's faces, all of my guilt dissipated. I may have been a jerk, but something told me I was one of the few people to pull off a move like that with Rossi. The thought made me smile. Besides, if it came down to a fight, I'd win. Probably.

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